Authors (including presenting author) :
YIP KS(1), MOK YC(1), CHAN LC(1), WONG KY(2)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Physiotherapy, Pok Oi Hospital, (2)Patient Resources Centre, Pok Oi Hospital
Introduction :
The outbreak of COVID-19 has changed the service delivery model in many health settings and the Pok Oi Hospital was no exception; real-time video-conferencing (tele-rehabilitation) has since been introduced to the delivery of Tai Chi Xiao Jin Chong central elongation exercises (太極小金鐘伸展運動), an exercise class which is co-organized by Patient Resources Centre (PRC) and Department of Physiotherapy of Pok Oi Hospital. The exercise class was used to be delivered by a physiotherapist face-to-face pre-COVID-19. This online service delivery is now commonly known as tele-rehabilitation. Tai Chi Xiao Jin Chong central elongation exercise integrates the concept of traditional “Taichi Qiqong” into theory of modern exercise physiology to formulate the 13 movements of Tai Chi Xiao Jin Chong exercises. It emphasises good postural alignment, central elongation with muscle stretching and activation of the body. Studies showed that exercises, multidisciplinary approach and self-management with peer-support program were effective in chronic pain management.
Objectives :
To evaluate the effectiveness of the service delivery of the Tai Chi Xiao Jin Chong central elongation exercises through real-time video-conferencing (tele-rehabilitation), by reporting standardised scores on 8 statements.
Methodology :
Participants with chronic pain were recruited in this programme. Tai Chi Xiao Jin Chong central elongation exercises were delivered to them through real-time video-conferencing by a physiotherapist. After finishing one year of weekly exercise class by real-time video-conferencing, participants were asked to fill in a questionnaire in order to evaluate the effect of the delivery model of Tai Chi Xiao Jin Chong central elongation exercises by video conferencing. The questionnaire consists of 8 statements which are categorized into (i) improvement in knowledge and skills in performing the central elongation exercise, (ii) better psychosocial status and (iii) improvement in developing of exercise habits. Participants had to grade each statement on a 5-point scale, ranging from very disagreed to very agreed.
Result & Outcome :
19 participants with chronic pain were recruited in this study and 14 of them had completed the exercise class and the questionnaire. 100% of the participants reported to be agreed and very agreed with the all 3 categories of the questionnaire. The delivery of Tai Chi Xiao Jin Chong elongation exercises by real-time video-conferencing could promote better knowledge and skills in performing the central elongation exercise, psychosocial status and exercise habits of people under the situation of COVID-19.