Authors (including presenting author) :
Tse LKD (1)
Affiliation :
Community Nursing Services, Caritas Medical Centre
Introduction :
Urinary catheters were one of commonly used invasive medial devices for health care. However, people prolonged used of indwelling urinary catheters were at increased risk of developing a catheter associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI). Therefore, indwelling catheter should be a last resort, and removed as early as possible. In CMC, clinical admission would be arranged for non-ambulatory patients for trail wean off urinary catheter. At Oct 2019, CMC Urology Team collaborated with CMC CNS to provide a protocol driven program to non-ambulatory elderly to trail wean off the catheter (TWOC) in community setting.
Objectives :
1. To reduce the number of clinical admission 2. To enhance catheter free for non-ambulatory elderly in community.
Methodology :
CMC Urology team referred the eligible patient to CNS. Community nurse provided care according to the protocols. Target patients: 1. Non-ambulatory patients with indwelling urinary catheter. 2. Patients / carers were capable to maintain daily catheter care in community. 3. Patients / carers agreed to have TWOC in community.
Result & Outcome :
From Oct 2019 to Nov 2021, 45 patients with 18 females and 27 males were recruited (Table 1). There were 21 patients (46.6%) diagnosed with acute retention of urine (AROU) +/- other medical conditions (figure 1). Four patients required second attend of TWOC, but only one of them could wean off the catheter successfully. Therefore, total 49 tries were done for 45 patients. There were 24 (53.3%) patients weaned off the urinary catheter successfully. A comparison of demographic of successful and unsuccessful groups was showed in Table 2. Patient in successful group was younger and had fewer AROU problems than unsuccessful group. Discussion: Over half of the referred patients could enjoyed catheter free in community. Total 24 episodes of clinical admission could be reduced. Patients could wean off catheter in their homes and might feel more relax during the procedures. Therefore, this program achieved a win-win situation for both patients and healthcare providers.