Evolving Contemporary GDH to cater the demand on elderly rehabilitation services: Occupational Therapy perspectives

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Eddie KH Leung (1), Andy FC Lau (1), Tony NH Chan (2)
Affiliation :
(1) Occupational Therapy Department, Pok Oi Hospital (2) Department of Medicine &Geriatric, Pok Oi Hospital
Introduction :
Based on the review of the functional characteristics of more one thousand elderlies in GDH, POH in 2018, it is found that the elderly can be benefitted from the reconditioning program in activities of daily living(ADL), cognition and hand function. The comparison between admission and discharge score in Montreal Cognitive Assessment Hong Kong ver (11.75 to 14.52 percentage changes: 23.9%) P<0.0001 and delayed recall (0.12 to 0.55 percentage changes: 162 %) P<0.019 with full score 5, Modified Barthel Index (72.38 to 76.72 percentage changes: 6%) P<0.0001 and Hand grip R (17.39 to 17.81 kgf percentage changes: 2.4%) P<0.0001 & L (16.38 to 16.86 kgf percentage changes 3%) P<0.0001 are all showed significant improvement. As from the review, elderlies overall are still facing the need on daily assistance in ADL with decline in cognition function especially in memory components in long run. The hand grip profile also may indicate further decline in global functioning onwards. In order to sustain their achieved functional progress and focus on their long term needs rather than satisfying in the short term progress, it is important to response in contemporary way and engage them in active participation in reconditioning program for healthy aging.
Objectives :
i) To equip Gerontech-equipment to engage elderlies’ active participation in cognitive stimulation and ADL reconditioning with e-progress ii) To streamline the workflow to enhance self-management in healthy aging iii) To evaluate the changes in functional status.
Methodology :
“Move with the time 2021” program was launched for the elderly in OT, GDH, POH. 1 To equip Interactive VR Technological apparatus 2. To apply collaborative-model enhance self-management in active aging. 3. To evaluate service outcomes in 2022
Result & Outcome :
In recent GDH development, these directives have guided in equipment acquisition, work flow and progress review which are illustrated as below to help facilitate the betterment of OT, GDH services. Award winning robotic temporal / spatial training system is introduced. Automated cognitive training program i.e. memory with grading and cantonese illustration features can boost users’ interaction to robot with fun and active participation. Motion sensor gamification rehabilitation devices were launched for ADL training and real time tracing 3 dimensional movements in actual / simulated ADL training is possible now. The work flow in OT, GDH, POH is also made appropriate move to facilitate the elderlies and family members to pursuit healthy functioning. Flinders self-management initiatives are applied. Elderlies will have the opportunities to share their health / functional expectation in GDH, further steps to involve them in treatment planning and choices provided in intervention. Further support to their own health choices and how to sustain in long run are also rendered. Services outcomes are also encouraging. The comparison between admission and discharge score (2022) in MoCA HK (11.19 to 15.39 percentage changes: 37.5%) P<0.01 and delayed recall (0.18 to 0.65 percentage changes: 191 %) P<0.02 with full score 5, MBI (73.21 to 79.02 percentage changes: 8%) P<0.0001 and Hand grip R (18.63 to 19.28 kgf percentage changes: 3%) P<0.02 & L (16.49 to 17.04 kgf percentage changes 3.3%) P<0.03 are all showed significant improvement with percentage changes outweigh the results in conventional era Conclusion With the introduction of modern equipment enhance outcomes and active participation plus the new work flow to boost self-initiation to pursuit own health. It is indeed occupational therapist can play an even further important role in evolving rehabilitation linkage between hospital & community and carryover to community partner - District Health Centre
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