Authors (including presenting author) :
Tai KK, Sha KY, Sim TC, Ho PC, Fung SY, Wong KL, Tsang WY, Wong CL, Lee SC, Luk YC, Lam KM, Lau KL, Chan KN, Yip WC, Chan KK, Wu WM
Affiliation :
(1)Integrated Care and Discharge Support(ICDS), (2) Physiotherapy Department, (3) Occupational Therapy Department, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
Elderly patients hospitalized with acute decompensated heart failure have a high incidence of frailty, poor quality of life, delayed recovery, and frequent hospital readmissions. A pilot program designed by ICDS in United Christian Hospital, includes group of early, transitional, tailor-made, and progressive rehabilitation interventions resulted in greater improvement in physical function of elderly patients than usual care.
Objectives :
To improve the physical function of elderly patients with acute decompensated heart failure who have just been discharged from the hospital. To reduce unplanned admission rate of heart failure patients
Methodology :
Discharged patients (age >60) who live in community, Harrpe score ≥0.17, ADL independent, diagnosed heart failure with NYHA class 2 or 3 have been recruited into the program. This trial intervention is an early, transitional, tailor-made, progressive physical and occupational rehabilitation program developed specifically for frail elderly patients with decompensated heart failure. A multidisciplinary outreach team (nurse, Physio and Occupational therapist) provides home visits. The intervention focused on recruited patient’s physical and cognitive function. The exercise intensity and exercise type of each training are based on the his/her performance level. The baseline score will be recorded during the first week of case manager care, and the final score will be recorded at 3 months.
Result & Outcome :
From October 2021- December 2021, 2 patients have been recruited. Both patients (male x1, female x1) were diagnosed with CHF class 3. The male patient was readmitted due to intracerebral haemorrhage. The pilot program is fully success on reducing unplanned readmission. The unplanned readmission rate due to failure component has been reduced to 0%. By all scoring of assessment tools, heart failure status of patient is 100% improved. Patient’s daily activity is well maintained in community and She is also very satisfying to the program provided. Conclusions: The heart failure rehabilitation program in community was very effective in reducing unplanned readmission. Patient’s heart failure condition can be well controlled.