Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan WS, Lam PYW, Wong MC
Affiliation :
Department of Clinical Oncology, Tuen Mun Hospital, New Territories West Cluster, HKSAR
Introduction :
With the increasing awareness of work-life balance of the society, more employers have adopted the 5-day work week in order to promote wellness for staff. Since April 2007, the Hospital Authority (HA) have been promoting 5-day work week among HA hospitals in different clusters to enhance work-life balance of staff. With the promotion of 5-day work (5DW) in NTWC, out-patient department of Tuen Mun Hospital has undergone the 5DW for years and shown succeed. As it is believed that the 5DW enhances employees’ work-life balance, it is going to have it proposed in in-patient setting in Tuen Mun Hospital. Therefore, preparation of implementing 5DW was initiated in acute oncology ward.
Objectives :
• To introduce 5DW to nursing staff, collect staff feedback on new-shift schedule and manpower arrangement. • To prepare the Workflow, Contingency Plan for 5DW. • To rearrange the work routine to cater the increased workload and enhance job efficiency.
Methodology :
From 1Q 2019 to 1Q 2020, a work-group was formed for the implementation of 5DW. At the beginning, nurses expressed worries and difficulties in accepting 5DW in acute ward due to the its high-activity level. Increased workload was also a concern from nurses as 1 more day-off needed to be arranged weekly, leading to cut down from 6 to 5 nurses each shift after manpower estimation. As staff engagement is a crucial component to the succeed in 5DW, a details proposal and implementation plan is needed. 1. A work-group was set up to introduce and collect feedback of 5DW to nurses. 2. Analysis of feedback and manpower estimation was done. 3. Discussion among supervisors and work-group for possible solutions towards nurses’ concern was held. 4. Shift schedule, manpower allocation and work routine was reviewed and finalized. 5. Hardware such as medication trolley, patient-kardex trolleys and assignment board etc. were prepared for 5DW implementation. 6. 5DW was implemented in May 2020. 7. Evaluation of nurses to 5DW was done in December 2021.
Result & Outcome :
After having 5DW, nurses agreed in having more chance to have consecutive day off. It allowed them to enjoy more leisure time to gain a work-life balance especially facing current complex and high-activity level of work.