Authors (including presenting author) :
Lee SW(1), Leung LM(1), Cheung KY(2), Lung G(3), Tang LN(4), Siu WY(5), Tsang CY(6)
Affiliation :
(1) Nursing Services Division, (2) Accident and Emergency Department, (3) Department of Surgery, (4) Department of Medicine & Geriatrics, (5) Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, (6) Orthopaedic & Traumatology Department, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
Integrating EBP into hospital’s culture and clinical practice decisions decreases care provision variation and improves patient, nurse, and organizational outcomes. Meanwhile, a practice gap was identified in caring hypothermic patients as there were no alignments on the choices of rewarming treatment and nursing management. Thus, an empowered and engaged EBP nursing team was formulated and has collaborated well in implementing the Generic EBP Project- Nursing Management of Hypothermia to increase quality of patient care in United Christian Hospital.
Objectives :
1. To identify and align best practices of nursing management of hypothermia. 2. To redesign workflows/practice recommendations for hypothermia management. 3. To promote nurses’ engagement and empowerment by using EBP approach.
Methodology :
Johns Hopkins Nursing EBP Model and Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle were employed in the project. 1. Firstly, UCH Nursing Services Division led the project team that consisted of five EBP department coordinators. Setting of clear EBP clinical question, comprehensive literature search and appraisal related to hypothermia management were performed. 2. Secondly, recommendations of hypothermia management included “Guidelines on Nursing Management of Hypothermia (Adult)” and a “Reference Card for Nursing Practice of Bair Hugger” were accomplished and endorsed in January 2021. 3. Thirdly, the aligned practice was disseminated and promulgated via nursing meetings and webpage. Posters and reference cards were produced for frontline usage. 4. The effectiveness of the project was evaluated by number of related incidents, utilization of reference cards and feedbacks from departments.
Result & Outcome :
There was no related incident reported since project implemented. Total 150 reference cards were requested from 25 wards/units. EBP department coordinators were interviewed, and positive feedbacks were collected from frontlines. Consequently, second generic EBP project was commenced immediately after this successful project. To conclude, output from the efforts of EBP nursing team provides the scientific guidance and authority for the decision making on nursing management of hypothermia, hence, to improve quality of patient care. This project also provided a venue to empower nurses under EBP approach.