KCC GOPC Vaccination Centres (GVCs) as community support to Government COVID-19 Vaccination program in Hong Kong

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Yip KYL(1), Leung SH(1), Chan BY(1), Leung KHB(1), Lai FSP(1), Li YC(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Family Medicine and General Out-patient Clinic, Kowloon Central Cluster
Introduction :
COVID-19 brings extraordinary impact to the world and local community. The pandemic affected all aspect of our daily life. In order to combat with the COVID-19 infection, vaccination would be an effective mean and light beam to settle this battle. KCC General Out-Patient Clinics, as a community healthcare partner, supported the HKSAR Government COVID vaccination programme since 26/02/2021 with 3 GOPCs including CKHC, YMT and EK GOPC incorporating as GOPC Vaccine Centre (GVC) to provide Sinovac vaccination to general public. Another 2 GVCs RBGOPC and HHC were set up in April at later phase until closure of all GVCs on 26 October 2021.
Objectives :
To provide COVID-19 vaccination in public primary care setting
Methodology :
GVC site preparation for was carried out on early February in 5 of the KCC GOPC in KCC. Patient flow and vaccination logistic arrangement were carefully examined. Healthcare support throughout the vaccination process was well planned with manpower and facilities preparation. Staff training on COVID vaccine administration and related management in waiting zone, vaccination room, observation zone and emergency support area are included in each GVCs. All KCC GVC settings has been endorsed by cluster Infection Control Team on COVID-19 related infection control compliance.Vaccine management in GVCs were supported by local pharmacies. Vaccine supply and cold chain management and storage were well considered. Vaccine stock balance were managed on daily basis.

Sinovac vaccination appointment was booked through Government Central on-line system. Upon registration, triage screening would be provided at the entrance of each GOPCs to enhance client and staff safety.

The vaccination zone were segregated from the GOPC service zone. General assessment and vaccination information will be given in waiting zone. Designated room for Sinovac vaccination in each GVC to ensure patient privacy. All vaccination records are updated in HACMS. Vaccination certificate would be issued to all vaccinated clients on site. 30 minutes rest in nurse observation zone for all vaccinated clients. Emergency facilities were available once needed. GOPC healthcare team provide on-site healthcare support to GVC clients when necessary.
Result & Outcome :
5 GVCs were established in KCC GOPCs to support the Sinovac vaccination in 2021. Designated GVC zones were confined and well equipped to ensure safe and comfort. Health care support team was ready on-site for prompt medical care. All GVCs were operated in smooth manner and upscaling of COVID-19 vaccination quotas were facilitated to meet the public healthcare needs. 38,353 Sinovac vaccinations were given in all KCC GVCs until 26/10/2021.
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