Enhancing Knowledge on Postnatal and Infant Care for Community Nurse

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
WONG SF(1), NGAI KP(1), CHAU SW(1), KO WF(1), TAM SPT(1), LAM PL(1), LEUNG MK(1), KOO YY(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Community Nursing Department, Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital
Introduction :
Postnatal and infant care is specialized and important maternal care that begin right after the baby is born and continues for the next six to eight weeks. Mothers go through many changes after giving birth including physical and emotional. They need adequate rest, nutrition, and maternal care for faster recovery. Moreover, they need to learn to care their babies start from scratch. Therefore, community nurses play an important role on education and early detection of care problems and psychological status for mothers and families during home visit. However, most community nurses were not received related and regular training on postnatal and infant care. Community nurse need to empower their knowledge so as to provide quality postnatal and infant care.
Objectives :
1.To update information of postnatal care. 2.To enhance knowledge of community nurses for postnatal and infant care.
Methodology :
A work team was set up which composed of midwives and supervisors in community nursing service. (1) Collect interesting and common ask topic from community nurses. (2) Conduct tailor-made in service training session for postnatal and infant care for community nurses. (3) Update postnatal and infant care nursing care record template to updated care information and facilitate smooth home visit. (4) Individual coaching, assessment, supervision and return demonstration was provided to new comers by the working team members for postnatal and infant care. (5) Provide support for problem cases. (6) Complete pre and post knowledge quiz on postnatal and infant care to analyze community nurses knowledge level (7) Staff satisfaction survey on postnatal and infant care to measure community nurses job satisfaction and confident.
Result & Outcome :
1.To enhanced the knowledge of postnatal and infant care for community nurses. 2.To enhance job satisfaction and confident of community nurse on postnatal and infant care. (1) Tailor-made training session was conducted for community nurses on Dec 2021. (2) Satisfaction survey of community nurses was conducted with 88.8% return rate. (3) 100% respondents agreed that the training session achieved the learning objectives and the contents were practical in workplace. (4) The pre and post knowledge quiz with average score increased from 54.94% to 71.39%. (5) 100% respondents agreed that the program could strengthen their confidence on postnatal and infant care. (6) 100% respondents agreed that the update nursing care record template was easy to use and comprehensive. It can remind them for the importance of postnatal and infant care and help them to provide quality postnatal and infant care during home visit with relevant record. (7) Individual coaching, assessment, supervision and return demonstration for postnatal and infant care was provided to new comers by supervisors. (8) Provide support for problem cases by supervisors.
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