The FOOD Program in POH

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Lam MK (1)
Cheung SMM (1)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Speech Therapy, Pok Oi Hospital
Introduction :
Elderly with dementia at different stages would have different swallowing problems or feeding behaviors. The more advanced the dementia, the more common to see behavioral feeding problem on these patients, resulting in poor oral intake, weight loss or even tube feeding. Many demented patients with dysphagia might be put on modified diets. Corresponding food choices or flexibility in serving food in hospitals are rather restricted. It is believed that finger foods can improve autonomy as well as promote oral intake of elderly with dementia. Therefore, we would like to enhance the service management of feeding in patients with behavioral feeding problem in POH.
Objectives :
Feed Orally On Demand (FOOD) Program is a program to provide extra food choices to patients recruited in order to:
- To improve patient’s quality of life on eating
- To safeguard patient’s autonomy on food choice
- To promote oral intake/ calories intake
- To enhance the role of caregivers in feeding management
Methodology :
FOOD Program was implemented in 2 medical convalescent wards and 1 medical acute ward in POH. Patients who mainly demonstrated behavioral feeding problem with persistently poor oral intake and functionally tolerated modified diets would be targeted to FOOD program. Suitable patients were recruited to FOOD program after ST assessment and CMO endorsement. Suitable food item based on patient’s swallowing ability was distributed to patients after recruitment. Average oral intake and calories intake 3 days before and 3 days after recruitment to the program were recorded for analysis.
Result & Outcome :
Total 25 patients were recruited to FOOD program from Dec 2020 to Nov 2021. Three of which were dropped out due to medical condition change. Mean age of the patients recruited were 76.6 years old. About 90% (20/22) of the patients were female.
Paired Samples T-tests were performed to compare the means of oral intake and calories intake 3 days before and after recruitment to the program. It was found that patient's oral intake (p < .05) and calories (p < .05) after FOOD Program were found to be statistically significantly improved than before recruiting to the program.
Regarding patient’s destination, 82% (18/22) of them were successfully discharged while 18% (4/22) were passed away. Causes of death were related to pneumonia, clostridium difficile infection and poor wound condition. Of those patients who had discharged, 67% (12/18) of them were re-admitted. About 42% (5/12) of the re-admitted patients were related to poor oral intake.
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