Development of Mixed Reality Hypnosis System for Pain Management for Chinese population

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Wong MC(1),Chan SF(2),Chan PC(1),Law KL(1),Lee MY(3),Wong YH(4),Lim HS(5)
Affiliation :
(1)KEC Pain Management Centre, (2) Health Resource Centre, (3) Day Surgery Centre, (4) Operating Room, (5)Anaesthesiology and Pain Medicine, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
Hypnosis has been using for various pain conditions in Kowloon East Cluster Pain Management Nurse Clinic (KECPNC), however, patients reported having difficulty in following hypnosis instruction because of poor concentration and unable to construct the image. Virtual or augmented or mixed reality is a computer-based technology that allows the user to immerse in the environment. Positive effect of virtual reality hypnosis has been reported in patients with neuropathic pain, burn wound dressing change, cancer pain and hospitalized trauma patients. Mixed reality combines the benefits of both augmented and virtual reality, it allows the user to interact with physical environment and virtual object at the same time. However, there is no available mixed reality hypnosis (MR hypnosis) system for Chinese population.
Objectives :
Develop a Cantonese based MR hypnosis system for pain management
Methodology :
This project was collaborated by United Christian Hospital (UCH) Pain Management Team and Health Resource Centre. A system development proposal was submitted and SMRT hospital fund of UCH was granted. Two certified hypnotherapists (pain nurse and Health Resource Centre social worker) developed three hypnosis scripts. The scripts used three common natural environments in Hong Kong including beach, grass field and water pond as background and virtual objects were added to engage patient in hypnosis session. Three 360 degree videos were taken and a professional Cantonese speaking voice actor was employed to record the audio scripts. A software was developed and installed in VR Hardware Oculus Go head mount system and tablet. All pain team members, managers of operating room department & relevant staff of health resource centre attended user acceptability test session in July 2020. System revision was conducted by the company.
Result & Outcome :
A 2-hour training workshop with lecture, MR system operation and face-to-face hypnotherapy demonstration was conducted by a certified hypnotherapist in August 2020. One social worker, two pain nurses and two pain specialists participated in the workshop. Guiding questions were listed to facilitate peri-MR hypnosis patient assessment, debriefing and documentation. Two patients and 20 colleagues were invited to join the trial run in September 2020. All of them were able to engage in the mixed reality environment, feel relaxed and less pain during MR hypnosis. A guideline for using MR hypnosis in KECPNC was developed and the service was commenced in Sept 2020. Conclusion Beneficial effect was noted after MR hypnosis and the service will be introduced to eligible Chinese patients in KECPNC
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