Workflow Model of Prevention and Control of Candida Auris in Acute Medical Ward with “VEN bed” setting

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
WONG MS(1), CHAN PN(1), CHAN WY(1), Siu LF(1), HUI WL(1), LAM MY(1), AU HY(1)
Affiliation :
Department of Medicine, YCH.
Introduction :
In reviewing Multiple Drug Resistant Candida Auris is a crucial nosocomial transmission organism mainly affecting dependent patients with central venous catheter (83%), critical ill patients on mechanical ventilation (61.7%) and those under ICU care more than two weeks (70.2%). Regrettably, outbreaks of Candida Auris were inadvertently happened in an acute medical ward with “Ventilator Beds” at a high speed flow since July 2019. Thus, a series of aggressive enhancement works for Candida Auris control on detection, disinfection and precautions were implemented respectively.
Objectives :
1. To early detect and minimize Candida Auris transmission risk in clinical setting 2. To enhance staff knowledge on Candida Auris precaution measures 3. To strengthen staff competency on caring patient with Candida Auris.
Methodology :
Early detection: admission screening to patients with KWC hospitals admission history, long stay ventilator patients, minimize the flow for patients and checklist for infection control measure to patient with Candida Auris. Staff education: refresher program on infection control through e-learning to enhance staff alertness on Candida Auris management. Develop and circulate “C. Auris booklet” in ward as a training reference. Behavioural modification to alert on infection control measures: relocate “VEN bed” patients to side-room, provide daily bed-bath to patients at Infection Control Enhancement Cubicle (ICEC). Designated team to take care of indexed patients and team supervisor to give staff briefing at the start of every duty shift. Designated equipment & Extensive environmental /equipment disinfection: Designated equipment to all patients and increase ward cleansing regime in daytime and arrange UVC for terminal disinfection. Strengthen supervision and monitoring: Patrol staff
Result & Outcome :
­ The overall ward staff hand hygiene compliance rate was increased from 86% to 97 % in 2Q/2020- 4Q/2021. ­ According to the Fluorescence–stain cleaning audit, the environment cleansing compliance rate was enhanced from 33.3% to 90%, whereas the equipment cleansing compliance rate was improved from 50% to 100% (4Q 2020 – 4Q2021). ­ In conclusion, infection control measure is non-stop battle, it is pivotal to change the behaviour and alertness of all staffs in preventing Candida Auris outbreak in hospital.
Kowloon West Cluster and Yan Chai Hospital
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