Fall prevention project in O&T 2021

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Leung CO (1)(2), Wong HW (1)(2), Cheng KY (1)(2), Kan TY (1)(2), Chan MH (1)(2)
Affiliation :
(1)(2)Orthopaedics & Traumatology, PMH
Introduction :
Patient fall is one of the main concern area and it was the top risk at risk registry in Department of Orthopaedic & Traumatology. All fall incident cases in PMH O&T department on 2019 -2020 were reviewed. It mainly included anticipated falls with known risk factors. Number of fall cases with moderate fall risk in Morse Fall scale was increased from 4 in 2019 to 8 in 2020. While the number of fall cases in high fall risk remain unchanged in 2020 as compared to 2019. Our project aims are to reduce the fall incidence rate. Especially focus on the patients with moderate fall risk.
Objectives :
To reduce the fall incidence rate of patient with moderate to high fall risk. (Target group)
Methodology :
1.Develop a flow chart of bed alarm system application.
2.Collaborate with Physiotherapy Department. A mobility signage posted up in corridor to increase staff awareness of patient with moderate and high fall risk in A5 ward.
3.Setting up strategies for preventing of fall: patrolling system, close monitoring on using the assessment tool correctly.
Result & Outcome :
The fall incidence rate of target group is markedly decreased 1.Fall incidence rate markedly decreased in A5 male ward from 6 cases in 2020 to 3 cases in 2021. Departmental number of fall case decreased from 18 to 14.
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