Authors (including presenting author) :
Wu WKW(1)(2), Wong CK(1)(2),Tsang HW(1)(2),Shun KW(1)(2)
Affiliation :
(1)Adult Psychiatric Day Hospital, (2)Department of Psychiatry,Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
Introduction :
Introduction: With illness experiences and different degree of impairment, people of severe mental illness prompt to give up and discontinue treatment regime which significantly discount recovery self-efficacy and treatment effect.
Objectives :
Aims: “BLESSING Lily” was a therapeutic group which adopted horticulture as media to facilitate group dynamic and nursing motivational counseling to acquire stress management to keep treatment adherence as Out-patient in Psychiatric Day Hospital Objectives: Having completed the BLESSING group, participants would 1. acquire skill to stress management, 2. develop persistency to adhere treatment regime and 3. become positive mindset
Methodology :
Intervention: Clients of Psychiatric Day Hospital (PDH) were recruited to Therapeutic Group called “BLESSING Lily”. It composed 8 tele-health sessions of horticulture with integrated motivational counseling. After psychiatric out-patient follow up, participant would attend PDH to have nursing coaching and be given a set of Lily before going home. On program day of tele-health by PDH, they would attend ZOOM-session with distinctive themes, receive nursing coaching and peer support. Booster session would be made upon individual progress. Measurement & Data management: Subjects were asked to do weekly reflection journal and interviewed during Tele-health session. They were given assessment batteries including self-rated Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and WHO-5 Well-being Index (WHO-WBI) and be collected by independent assessors at beginning of intervention, the 4th, 8th and 12th session. The scores at different time point (Pre-, 4th, 8th and 12th session) were computed with Friedmann’s tests with subsequent pairwise Wilcoxon signed‐rank tests. Their reflection journal and on-line interviews were analyzed.
Result & Outcome :
Results and Analysis: There were total 5 subjects recruited and completed the study (0 % attrition rate); 1 male and 4 females (Mean age: 54, Diagnosis: 40% Psychosis, 60% Affective Disorder). The findings revealed statistical significant differences in PSS scores (χ²=10.0, p<.01) and WHO-WBI (χ²=9.579, p<.01) over (Pre-, 4th & 8th session) time points. It suggested the Tele-health “BLESSING Lily” could improve on stress management and mental well-being among all participants. Collateral evaluation over delivery process were made among subjects and staff. To secure successful Tele-health delivery, the tele-nurses had delivered quality care for participants by interacting and providing various types of support: health advice, informational, emotional and motivational counseling. Tele-health had provided an opportunity for the peers to talk with each other which might promote their well-being, mutual support and to develop the resilience through their illness. Tele-health had fostered sense of purpose, learning new skills, social opportunities and development of routine as well as cohesive environment which enhanced sense of belongings and social functioning. For out-patients receiving tele-health, initial coaching and ongoing support were necessary to help them become comfortable and convenient with the tele-health program. Finally, the exploratory study found that every participant had acquired skills to stress management in way of horticulture. It had also shown 100% treatment adherence in way of SOPD Follow-ups. Their reflective journals revealed that they had become more optimistic to recovery.
The delivery of Tele-health was practical to improve out-patients mental well-being, stress management and promote treatment adherence.