Enhancement Project on Discharge Medication Education

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Yeung ST (1). Chan TF (1)
Affiliation :
(1)M&G, Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital
Introduction :
Increased queries about the discharge medication profile was noted from the relatives and OAH staff after discharge recently, concerning the dosage change, medication had already stopped and newly added during this episode of hospitalization. They also concerned whether to dispose the original stock of medication. Extra time was used by the nurses to confirm the newly discharge medication regime again by tracing the medication profile from the progress notes and medication administration records. As they were doubtful on medication regime, the risk of medication incident would be increased.
Objectives :
1.To enhance the discharge medication checking accuracy against the medication administration record 2.To improve communication on discharge medication education with patients or patients’ relatives or OAH staff 3.To improve discharge medication safety and reduce the medication incident
Methodology :
1.Education about discharge medication checking will be provided to the newly nursing staff to enhance the checking accuracy and remind them to educate the newly medication regime when discharge. 2.Design a reminder label for changing medication and managing the own stock medication upon discharge. 3.Remark the change of medication on the discharge summary of patient copy. 4.Educate the new medication regime to patients, relatives and OAH staff.
Result & Outcome :
Result: 12 samples conducted during pilot period from 8 Jun to 18 Jun 2020. Patients’ & relatives’ feedback: Appreciated & thought useful of the labels with good communication No phone call was received during the pilot period about the discharge medication enquires. Staff overall feedback: Reduced phone consultation workload but need to spend extra time on medication checking. Limitation: Insufficient time to prepare the discharge documents (Just completed before NEATS arrival) and for nursing staff to check against patient’s original medication stock because of many medication modification before patient transfer to OLMH.
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