Implementation of International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) for Liquid Consistency in NTWC

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Cheung SMM(1), Lam MK(1), Lam YL(1), Lok YW(1), Yip SS(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Speech Therapy, New Territories West Cluster
Introduction :
Liquid thickening is a common compensatory strategy to reduce the risk of aspiration in dysphagic patients around the globe. Nevertheless, inconsistent names and definitions of different levels of liquid consistency existed across countries. In view of the need for global standardised terminologies and definitions to improve inter-professional communication and patient care in different settings and cultures, the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) was founded in 2013 and published the IDDSI framework in 2015. COC(ST) had agreed to adopt the framework for liquid consistency across 7 clusters in HA.
Objectives :
The NTWC Speech Therapy Department aimed at a smooth transition to IDDSI framework for liquid consistency in 2021 in hospitals and community of own cluster. To achieve this, education on IDDSI to department staff, ward staff, and community was one important goal.
Methodology :
A taskforce was set up in 11/2020 in NTWC ST Department to formulate the IDDSI implementation program. The program included the following actions: (a) Promulgation and deliberation in WMs and DOMs meeting were done by sharing the transition plan from 12/2020 to 3/2021; (b) Internal training in ST department was carried out for speech therapists and supporting staff; (c) IDDSI training videos were shot for frontline staff and public education purpose; (d) Training sessions were provided in various platforms to frontline staff, including nurses and PCAs, in TMH, TMHRB, POH, TSWH, CPH and SLH, and community nursing from 1/2021 to 3/2021; (e) Bedhead signage and quick reference guide embedded with a QR code for IDDSI training videos were circulated to wards by NSD; and (f) liaison with NTWC MOSTE team regarding the IDDSI framework adoption in HA was done.
Result & Outcome :
Smooth transition to IDDSI framework for liquid consistency was accomplished in NTWC hospitals and community on 15/7/2021. Prior to the commencement of IDDSI framework adoption, over 1,000 NTWC staff had been trained, training materials such as reference guide and videos were developed and disseminated accordingly. Also, leaflets about thickener use with IDDSI framework were prepared for patients and caregivers. Education to new-comers and community will be continued based on these established materials.
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