Infection control measures and strategies during pandemic COVID -19 in Outpatient setting in OLMH

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Ng ML(1)(2), Lam MK (1)(2), Kong Y W(1), Yiu CH (1)(2), Wong WY (1)(2), V Li(1), H Lau(2)
Affiliation :
(1) Family Medicine Clinic, Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital; (2) Specialist Outpatient Department, Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital
Introduction :
In view of fighting for the outbreak of COVID-19, a series of “New Normal” strategic measures like set up triage station for body temperature checking and TOCC (Travel, Occupation, Close Contact and Clustering) screening at the entrance of Out-Patient Block. In addition, the Central Command Committee of Hospital Authority endorsed the measures on rescheduling of SOPC and FMC appointments and arrangement of medication refill started from late of Jan 2020.
Objectives :
A series of “New Normal” strategic measures on infection control have been implemented fighting for the outbreak of COVID-19
Methodology :
Drug Refill Program for Subsequent Follow up cases 1. Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital (OLMH) Out-Patient Department adhered to the direction of Hospital Authority and take immediate actions as below: i. For SOPC a. Consultant of Medicine & Geriatrics drafted the exclusion criteria, e.g. history of admission since last follow up, call back case, vital signs unstable, etc for ‘Medical Drug Refill Program’ to facilitate the screening process by nursing staff. b. Pre – screening for all subsequent patients before appointment date according to exclusion criteria by designated clinic nurse. c. Designated nurse phone contacts the target patients proactively for invitation into the program. d. Designated medical doctor performs further case notes review before confirmation of clinical appropriateness for medication refill. ii. For FMC a. Medication refill is only considered for requisition from patients or relatives with scheduled appointment. b. Doctor will decide whether the patient is appropriate for medication refill without consultation by reviewing patient’s medical record. Enhancement on Infection Control Measures 1. Install plastic partitions to separate staff direct face to face contact with patients at open counter, consultation rooms, etc. 2. Increase number of alcohol – based hand sanitizer at registration counter and waiting hall to facilitate and maintain hand hygiene. 3. Encourage 1.5 metres of social distancing e.g. space out seating at waiting hall.
Result & Outcome :
The proactive invitation of patients for medication refill in SOPC plays a significant role for minimizing the number of patients waiting for consultation at the waiting hall. Patients appreciated this ‘New Normal’ arrangement very much. Satisfaction survey on medication refill and enhancement of infection control measures were implemented in March 2021. During the period from February to June 2020, there were 1,131 patients from SOPC and 1,097 patients from GOPC had been arranged for medication refill. It comprised 5.47% and 4.04% among the total attendance of subsequent follow up in SOPC and GOPC respectively. From July to November 2020, there were 648 patients from SOPC and 812 patients from GOPC had been arranged for medication refill. It comprised 2.77% and 2.83% among the total attendance of subsequent follow up in SOPC and GOPC respectively. From the statistics, it shows that the medication refill is persistently demanded during the COVID-19 outbreak. However, the necessity demand is much higher at initial stage of the outbreak. It may be due to the unknown of the virus and the seriousness of the outbreak at the primitive stage. There were total 103 questionnaires received. The findings of survey reflected that 82% of patients feedback their reasons of requisition for medication refill arises from fear of getting infected COVID-19 when going outside. 97% patients extremely agree or agree that medication refill / appointment rescheduling tend to minimize the risk of infection. 98% of patients extremely agree or agree that the enhancement of infection control measures could effectively prevent transmission of infectious disease. The positive feedback from patients and compelling outcomes reflect that these “New Normal” strategic measures is valuable and beneficial to patients.
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