Authors (including presenting author) :
Mak WH, Lee LN, Tam ML, Mok WL, Wong SLE, Lee SW, Yeung WK, Li SY, Ng MKM, Lo KL, Chui ST
Affiliation :
Department of Surgery, PWH
Introduction :
Seasonal influenza vaccination (SIV) is important for protecting health care professionals against the coronavirus in winter surge period. Management should take up the responsibility to safeguard the spread of influenza-like illness inside hospital premises. We should care of ourselves, our beloved ones, patients and the people around us. So Department of Surgery, PWH demonstrated its initiative and collaborated with Central Nursing Division to facilitate surgical staff to receive flu vaccine without hesitation. Three designated vaccination depots (放工打針站) were selected. Vaccination period was from 18 October to 8 November 2021, at 14:30-16:30, Monday to Friday except holidays.
Objectives :
1. Encourage surgical staff to have early vaccination to reduce morbidity due to influenza-like illness 2. Facilitate surgical staff to receive vaccine near their working area at their convenience 3. Reduce risk of transmitting influenza to patients especially those are at high risk of complications and morbidity from influenza
Methodology :
1. A task force was formed in department in 4Q 2021. 2. Briefing on SIV program was conducted by CND in late September. 3. Logistic flows of the program were discussed and planned. 4. Designated vaccination depots in department were selected. - SACC (Ward 7HK), Surgical Ambulatory Care Centre - 7/F & 8/F Seminar Room, Main Clinical Block and Trauma Centre 5. e-invitation for SHS for manpower support 6. VOW and 安心上門服務-針針送 were included on request / courtesy 7. Dissemination of the program to staff and hospital. 8. Questionnaire was designed for evaluation
Result & Outcome :
There were 337staff received vaccination during the captioned period including doctors (59), nurses (138), allied health (7), supporting (78), and other HA staff (55). Total 298 questionnaires were received. The staff expressed that they were satisfied with the time schedule (79.53%) and the three designated depots (85.91%) arranged as they could receive vaccine near their work place, during and off duty hour. Most of the staff (83.56%) rated that the provision of services was excellent. Overall, the staff were happy about the ‘SIV Program’ which was provided by department. Conclusion The staff satisfaction survey demonstrated the successfulness of the implementation of the ‘SIV Program 2021’ in Department of Surgery, PWH.