A New Era of Promoting Psychology Well-being in community –A pilot enhancement program for patients with mood disorders in PYNEH

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Wong KY(1), Mang WH(1), Wong TY(1), Lee WK(1), Liu KY(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Occupational Therapy Department, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
Introduction :
Group psychotherapy has been well proven to improve the mood symptoms among patients with mood disorder, and it has been one of the major treatment modalities in occupational therapy. Since the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, the outpatient treatment groups had to be suspended due to social distancing and infection control measures. Meanwhile, patients with mood disorder are facing risk of mental wellbeing hazards during this critical period. In order to balance patients’ clinical needs and service operation, a new tele-rehab model had been adopted in out-patient service of PYNEH occupational therapy department. A tele-rehab well-being promoting group for patients with mood disorders was established, and its effectiveness and service satisfaction were evaluated.
Objectives :
1) To develop the new service model mechanism of telecare in outpatient department, so as to meet the service demand under the pandemic
2) To evaluate the effectiveness of the well-being tele-rehab program
Methodology :
A wellbeing promoting program using positive psychology with PERMA model was established. It consists of 5 tele-rehab group sessions focusing on positive thinking, meaningful engagement and active lifestyle and 2 individual sessions tailored to follow up each participant’s own rehabilitation plan.
3 questionnaires (GAD-7, PHQ-9 and DASS-21) were used to measure the change in mood symptoms before and after the group. A satisfaction survey with 6 questions was designed to collect feedback from the participants.
Result & Outcome :
6 participants were recruited from CMDC clinic and post-discharged in-patient to join the group. The average age was 59.1. All of the participants agreed that the program could provide effective treatment, in terms of maintaining close contact with therapists, facilitating guidance on recovery plan and goals, empowerment in life roles and community participation.
Standardized assessment also showed the effectiveness of the program. The average score of PHQ-9 and GAD-7 were decreased (from 10.7 to 10.5 and from 11.3 to 9.0), while the anxiety and depression score of DASS-21 also decreased. It reflected the positive changes in mood symptoms and psychological wellbeing of the participants after the program. More subjects should be recruited to further investigate the effectiveness of tele-rehab service mode.
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