Authors (including presenting author) :
Affiliation :
(1) Nursing Services Division, Tung Wah Eastern Hospital
Introduction :
Clinical placement is where nursing students apply their knowledge to practice, learn critical skills, and achieve the required registration competencies. Mentors enable students to confront many of the challenges and issues related to caring during their clinical practice. However, as face-to-face institutional mentor coaching for first clinical placement students was suspended in COVID-19 pandemic, NSD conducted an Enhancement Program for those nurse learners to ensure the quality of clinical placements.
Objectives :
To conduct orientation and a series of debriefing sessions to targeted nurse learners To monitor their standard of practice in wards To review the feedback of program and further training needs
Methodology :
- Orientation program on the 1st day of placement to introduce nursing practice standards, ward routine, and infection control issues. - 1st debriefing session after two days of placement to discuss their reflections & review the training needs. - Based on the training needs analysis, 2nd debriefing Session focus on bedside nursing care, e.g. patient assessments, changing napkins, and. - 3rd debriefing Session emphasized wound and pressure injury management. - Local clinical mentors and preceptors provided continuous competency review during the placement. - Google form to collect the pre and post confidence level to perform nursing cares, and also their feedback of the program after their eight weeks’ placement.
Result & Outcome :
Sixteen Year-1 nurse learners participated in the program. After the clinical placement, the confidence level of performing 11 basic nursing cares were higher than the initial period of placement (average mean score: from 2.39 raised to 2.46 with the equal point from -3 to 3), except bathing, nasogastric tube feeding and resuscitation skills (average mean score: from 1.56 decreased to 0.69). The program enabled nurse learners’ overall confidence on performing various basic nursing cares. Some basic nursing cares which were identified as less confidence to performed, should be further strengthened during clinical placement.