Accountability to Care for the Public – Series Community Education Webinars under COVID-19 Pandemic

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Affiliation :
(1) Nursign Services Division, Tung Wah Eastern Hospital
Introduction :
As face-to-face classroom training was suspended during the COVID-19 pandemic, we conducted a series webinar Community Health Talk to enhance public on disease prevention and healthy lifestyle, so as to promulgate a healthier community.
Objectives :
To conduct series webinar health talk to all ages of public, To promulgate disease prevention and healthy lifestyle, To create a more prosperous, stable and supportive society.
Methodology :
As technological advancement, people have easy access to health information from the internet or other media, the new era of TWEH Community Health Talk is derived from “Zoom” on-line. We liaised with various departments, developed a roster for conducting health talk. The contents related to small, meaningful lifestyle changes, as well as strengthening self-monitoring awareness. They included seasonal flu, chronic disease management, and even seasonal healthy diet in Chinese Medicine. Speakers were encouraged to present in a more interactive approach, such as an exercise or video demonstration. The health talks provided good chances to convey up-to-date health messages to the public. With the Webinar links, people out of our cluster can join the talks, including the region of Kowloon, New Territories and even outside Hong Kong.
Result & Outcome :
There was an overwhelming response from the public, total six TWEH Community Health Talks were conducted in the period of May – November 2021) with 571 attendances from different community partners. The Community Health Talk demonstrated our accountability to care for the public. We provided a wide variety of health education sessions via Webinar, which comes to improve the health of the public. Through the health talk, participants would understand more about their own health, and be encouraged to take preventive measures and early treatment of at-risk conditions. Ultimately, TWEH has strong ties to the surrounding community and to develop partnerships with the public that benefit both the hospital and the community.
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