When New Meets Old: Empowering Patients and Staff through Educational Animations in our Digital Era

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
WONG YYR (1) (2), FUNG WHH (1)(2), KNG PLC (1) (3)
Affiliation :
(1) Community Services, HKEC; (2) Community & Patient Resource Department, PYNEH; (3) Medical & Geriatrics, RTSKH
Introduction :
Patient education is a cornerstone of disease management and medical-social collaboration. Information giving in hospital is dominated by traditional written and verbal instructions. While leaflets with sea of words is less attractive, medical staff have time constraints to teach numerous information. Covid-19 pandemic has speeded up the digital era e.g. HA Go telecare which would benefit from expanding our current limited library of digital educational content. HKEC PRC & Community services (PRC & CS) has coordinated 5 animations production. This paper describes our journey to coordinate production by clinical teams, multi-level promulgation to empowering patients and reducing staff workload.
Objectives :
• To empower patients and carers on disease management, patient journey and community resources in a digital format with patient friendly language through modern, consistent, accessible and efficient means.

• To empower staff to contribute their expertise in building educational tools which improve their time efficiency and increasing meaningful staff-patient interactions.

• To enable PRCs to engage clinical teams for information governance which provides up to date and accurate patient information
Methodology :
3P (Production, Promulgation and Patient Empowerment) are key elements.

Production & clinical governance:

HKEC PRC & CS invited clinical teams to identify their patient information gaps on variety of Q&S issues, symptom management, patient resources in community. They contributed accurate updated clinical or service information which were scripted in a creative narrative with attractive voiceovers and visuals specially designed to deliver key messages.

Promulgation outcomes through clinical teams, coordinating committees, HKEC website, HA Go:

With support of Clinical teams, animations were shared in hospital, cluster, corporate level since February 2022.

• “Prevention of children falls in hospital” - in Paediatrics wards of PYNEH.

• “Knee replacement” - in SOPD, and corridor of O&T wards in PYNEH.

• “The Recovery Journey for Maintaining Mental Health” - shared by Psychiatric to department website and Specialty Advisory Group (SAG) of Psychiatry.

• “The Peri-OPerative journey: Pre-anaesthetic Assessment” - shared with COC (Anesthesia) for disseminating the videos to other Anaes departments and HA Go, after COC’s endorsement.

In HKEC, 4 animations were uploaded to healthyhkec website (https://www.healthyhkec.org/cluster/per/pervideo/) and QR code cards are distributed in clinics.

Patient & staff empowerment outcomes:

• Clinical teams’ feedback – appreciated opportunity to use their specialty expertise to highlight their services, instruct patients on key disease or preventive measures or resources, and on building library of e-resources for pushing on HA Go for telecare

• Staff feedback – saved time, reduced repeating same information eg replaced by iPAD given to patients to watch then allow Q&A after

• Patients feedback –interesting, the combination of visuals-voice-subtitles could enhance their understanding especially in complex patient journeys, could watch again and could share with their family

• HKEC PRC & CS would collect feedback by patient focus group and questionnaire after last animation of PRC is completed in early 2023.
Result & Outcome :
A digital era and the pandemic catalysed our project to develop multi-media for patient education. It improves medical care e.g. save time, consistent message and empower patients by clinically led content which is accessible, consistent and reproducible via e channel. It created an opportunity for HKEC PRC & CS to engage different clinical teams in or outside HKEC, and to understand more about patient journey.
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