Authors (including presenting author) :
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Surgery, North District Hospital
Introduction :
To cope with the outbreak of COVID-19 and service demand surge, Hospital Authority (HA) collaborate with private sectors in expending healthcare services. By referring eligible patients for continual care and to lessen the overwhelming public hospital service demand.
OT sessions were cut in the past year in all HA hospitals. We have total around 500 breast cancer patients and among around 330 of them need surgery as curative treatment. All patients eager for an early operation. In 2022, our hospital has referred 126 breast cancer cases for Public-Private Partnership Breast Cancer Operative Service Collaboration Programme (PPP Ca Breast). Patients joining PPP Program enjoys a shorter waiting time for their definitive treatment.
Objectives :
1. To shorten the waiting time for curative treatment for breast cancer patients
2. To lessen the burden in HA waiting time
3. To reserve the resources in HA to fight for COVID-19
Methodology :
We have referred qualified patients to undergo the following surgeries in private sectors:
1. Breast conserving therapy (BCT) + sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNBx) +/- axillary dissection (AD)
2. Mastectomy + SLNBx +/- AD
3. Modified radical mastectomy (MRM).
A questionnaire for patient satisfaction survey was disturbed to patients who received operation in private sector. They give feedback and comments on the following aspects: treatment plan and service scope, patient education, self-care understanding and overall evaluation.
Result & Outcome :
In North District Hospital (NDH), our waiting time for breast cancer surgery is around 90 days. Pre-operative assessment is done 2 to 4 weeks before the surgery. There will be a window period while waiting for surgery. The stress level is high during the window period.
In comparison, the average waiting time from referring out patient to pre-operative assessment clinic in private sector is around 5.93 days. Furthermore, the average waiting time from pre-operative assessment to surgery is around 15.55 days in private sector. These data reveal a significant reduction in waiting time for surgery.
In conclusion, PPP program has significantly reduced the waiting time for patients to undergo surgery. One third of the surgical candidates was referred out which lessen the burden in HA KPI. Resources were reserved to deal with the fragile patients waiting for NDH surgery and COVID-19 pandemic.