Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan MY(1), Shek CC(1), Kwong T(1), Liu HL(1), Cheung SC(1), Au LC(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Princess Margaret Hospital
Introduction :
Neonatal transport is a high-risk care management in neonatal unit. Safe transportation of the sick or critically ill infants must be performed by trained neonatal team in caring the needs of them. The maintenance or securing of an adequate airway, thermoregulation, and appropriate monitoring for them are critical. Transport team members should be familiar with equipment used in transport. It is a crucial learning objective for nurses in neonatal unit which require specific knowledge and skills to ensure patient safety. Simulation based training on neonatal transport is favourable in learning for nurses in our unit.
Objectives :
To equip nurses with the updated knowledge and skills on safe neonatal transport for sick or critically ill infants in neonatal unit, to enhance team work and communication and to evaluate the effectiveness of the training program
Methodology :
Simulation based training on neonatal transport was conducted in neonatal unit, PMH on 12 December 2022 by cross-sectional, quasi experimental, pretest and posttest design. Nurses participated from convenience sampling attended the training program of neonatal transport. The training materials including audio-visual materials for transport equipment operation and scenarios on neonatal transport were developed for education on knowledge and skill practice. All participants were assessed their knowledge and skills by a quiz and standardized skill assessment record. A post training opinion survey was distributed to them and the usefulness of training in learning neonatal transport was evaluated.
Result & Outcome :
Total 22 nurses attended training program with 100% responding rate of pre- and post- test. Most nurses had no experience on neonatal transport (n=10, 45.5%). All nurses agreed neonatal transport training was important in neonatal care nursing. Before training, their knowledge assessment of neonatal transport had mean score 17.5 (79.5%) in pre-test, but after training, their mean score was 22 (100%). From the post training opinion survey, all agreed that it had enhanced their knowledge and skills in preparation for safe transport, managing common adverse events during transport, maintaining effective communication and accurate documentation. They also stated that more simulation based training on neonatal transport with complex scenarios could be conducted. The implementation of a simulation based training on neonatal transport can facilitate learning to nurses in neonatal unit. Ongoing transport care education and skill practice training could enhance nurses’ competence in delivering safe neonatal transport service.