Authors (including presenting author) :
Lui PY (1), Lau CL(1), Chan HL (1), Chau PY(1), Tsang LF(1), Chan LN(1), Leung LM (1)
Affiliation :
(1) Nursing Services Division, Haven of Hope Hospital
Introduction :
The continual success and survival of an organisation relies on having the right talent in the right place at the right time. As an organisation identifies and develops future leaders, it is in fact shaping the internal culture. Embracing the concept of “Leaders at all levels”, Haven of Hope Hospital has established Leadership Training Programmes for nursing staff at all levels.
Objectives :
1. To empower nursing staff the professional knowledge and leadership skills needed at their leadership level
2. To support effective succession planning by effective identification of talent at all levels and provision of appropriate training to them
Methodology :
The Leadership Training Programmes supported staff at all levels, from staff beginning their leadership role, to experienced managers wishing to refine specific skills. The training series consist of 4 programmes: (i) Duty IC programme for registered nurses with 3-5 years of clinical experience, (ii) Senior RN programme for registered nurses with 6 years or above clinical experience, (iii) New APN programme for newly promoted Advanced Practice Nurses, and (iv) APN programme for Advanced Practice Nurses with 3 years of above clinical experience. The domains in each programme included: personal competency building, people management & effectiveness, team management & effectiveness, and leadership effectiveness. The contents were delivered in lectures, while the period of each programme varied depending on the level of leadership. Hand-on practices or exposures were arranged to engage the participants in a mentoring relationship with experienced senior managers.
Result & Outcome :
The feedback survey from participants one month after completion from the programme revealed that the majority of participants were able to apply the leadership concepts learnt to their jobs, and were able to take on more responsibilities in their jobs or in their new positions. A positive and nurturing corporate culture was observed after the establishment of the programme. The results of the evaluation showed that the Leadership Training Programme in Haven of Hope Hospital was a success.