Clean Care is Safer Care: Educating Patient Care Assistant (PCA) on the Procedure of Cleansing and Disinfecting the Fiber-optic Bronchoscope in the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Kwok HY, Lam KK, Chung FT, Wut OL, Fok SH
Affiliation :
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery
Introduction :
Flexible Fiber-optic bronchoscopy (FOB) can be performed as bedside procedure for both diagnostic or therapeutic purpose. In the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, FOB is one of the standard procedure that surgeon will perform at bedside for bronchial washing or direct visualization of the airway for patients. Then the cleansing and disinfecting of the bronchoscope will be performed by patient care assistant (PCA). Previously, the format of PCA training on bronchoscope included verbal instruction and return demonstration only. As time goes and more new staff joined in, variation in practice and outcome were recognized. The variation may increase the risk of bronchoscopy-related infection which will endanger patient’s safety finally. Therefore, an enhancement program on the cleansing and disinfecting of bronchoscope was developed for PCA training.
Objectives :
-to enhance patient safety -to standardize the practice -to improve the quality of cleansing and disinfecting of bronchoscope
Methodology :
All PCAs in the Department were recruited in the program. A pre-test was used to assess their knowledge level and concept on the procedure. They were then invited to watch a video demonstration on how to cleanse and disinfect the bronchoscope. The importance of infection control issue and misunderstanding about the procedure would be clarified in briefing session after video demonstration. Poster was designed and wans posted up in designated area for easy referencing. Finally, a competency assessment was carried out to assess their hands-on skill and a post-test to assess their knowledge level.
Result & Outcome :
According to the result of the pre-test, misunderstanding or misconception by PCA were identified. Misconception was clarified timely. Full compliance with competency assessment and 100% passing rate of the post-test were attained. Upon completion of the program, variation of practice was minimized and the awareness of infection control issue by staff were increased as well. A systematic enhancement program was developed and it is beneficial especially to the newly joined supporting staff in the future. Last but not least, to safeguard patient safety, clean care is safer care. Way forward: Periodic audit of the procedure will be carried out to maintain a desired level of quality.
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