Implementation of Joint Round of Patient Safety Walk Round and Occupational Safety and Health Audit in NTWC

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
TSOI SH (1), LAM PK (1), CHEUNG YY (2), TO KW(2), WONG WL(2), LI SK (2), LEUNG HCW (2), TSANG CW(2), WONG PMB(1), HAU LM (1)
Affiliation :
(1) NTWC Quality & Safety Division (Q&S),
(2) NTWC Safety Audit Working Group
Introduction :
Before COVID-19 pandemic, Patient Safety Walk Rounds (PSWR) and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) audits were separately organized by different divisions under NTWC. Frontline staff and unit managers might have to prepare the visits frequently and the rounds might have disturbed the operation occasionally. Amid easing COVID-19 situation locally in late 2020, a joint round to integrate the PSWR and OSH audit was piloted in NTWC hospitals.
Objectives :
To reduce the frequency of safety visits to both clinical and non-clinical areas, to enhance the efficiency of visits and minimize the disturbance to the visiting units.
Methodology :
Both Cluster Q&S and OSH Teams compromised a schedule together. In each joint round, OSH auditors would review the essential OSH documents of the visiting unit before the walk round starts. Then, patient safety executives and OSH auditors would conduct safety walk round together and listen to frontline staff on their safety practice and concerns for patients and staff in the daily operations. A debriefing session would be held to discuss and summarize the observations and concerns identified at the end of the visit. A consolidated report would be prepared by Q&S and OSH team. The joint round was piloted in 6 clinical areas from December 2020 to February 2021.
Result & Outcome :
For the visiting units, the joint round had reduced the frequency of safety visits and reduced the duplicated workload to prepare manpower and documents. Moreover, the joint round enhanced the efficiency of each visit by decreasing the visiting time for 2.5 times. The reporting and follow-up process was also streamlined. In view of the success of the trial, all clinical and non-clinical areas were invited to participate in the joint round. A total of 33 joint rounds were held successfully from 2021 to 2022. After implemented the joint round, no major non-compliance had been issued from the 30 inspections conducted by external party in 2021 and 2022. In comparison with the same period in 20/21, both the IOD rate and sick leave rate were reduced by around 25%. Positive feedback was received by clinical and non-clinical units on this approach.
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