Empowerment of Blood Pressure Monitoring Skills via Video for Hypertension Patients in NTWC GOPCs

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Y F Wong (1), F Y Lam (1), C F Lam (1), S Y Lau (1), S M Chan (1), S Y Cheung (1), B C Wong (1), T K Chu (1), Y S Ng (1 )
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Family Medicine and Primary Health Care, NTWC
Introduction :
Blood pressure monitoring can help in diagnosis hypertension (HT) and determine the effectiveness of treatments. In daily work, there were frequent enquiries from patients on blood pressure monitoring skills in using home blood pressure meter and automatic blood pressure machine in General Out-patient Clinics (GOPCs). Therefore, a Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Project aiming at empowerment of GOPC patients in blood pressure monitoring skill via video and accessible by Quick Response code was implemented. On the other hand, smart hospital and smart healthcare is a new service model in Hospital Authority to enable seamless integration across technologies to aid in healthcare delivery. The digital transformation process would convert written clinical documentations to digital format. Automatic blood pressure machine can cooperate and use this service in the future. New Territories West Cluster has been designated as one of pilot sites for deployment of smart hospital initiatives.
Objectives :
(1) To empower HT patient’s knowledge & competence of using blood pressure monitoring (2)To promote the properly use of clinic automatic blood pressure machine (3) To standardize pamphlet in NTWC GOPCs on blood pressure monitoring (4) To improve in the continuity of a qualitative care for patients to enhance on prevention, treatment and management of a chronic disease
Methodology :
The CQI project was started from January, 2022 and divided into 3 phases. The design and production of pamphlet and video were initiated in first phase from January to August 2022. In the second phase, a pilot study was started from September to October 2022, aimed at the evaluation of the effectiveness for the new teaching models on blood pressure monitoring skill. There were 25 patients to invite in the pilot study. They were assessed and evaluated by an identical questionnaire before and after watching the video. The mean score was used to evaluate the pre and post knowledge, competence and satisfaction rate in different groups patient. At the same time, clinic staff was invited to provide feedback and concerns. Finally, the implementation phase was practiced in October, 2022.
Result & Outcome :
Before the education program, the pre mean score was 2.7-3.7. After the education program, the post mean score was 4.8-5 (the max score was 5). The result of the pilot study showed the significance improvement on the proper blood pressure skills for patient. All participating patients and staff had positive feedback towards the new educational model for learning the skill. The data and feedback are ongoing to collect and review the information regularly.
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