Empowerment program for parenting support to the caregivers of the children with neuro-developmental disorders at the nurse clinic in E2 Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centre

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Lai SM (1)
Affiliation :
(1) E2 Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centre, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Castle Peak Hospital
Introduction :
Neurodevelopmental disorders are a group of disorders, including intellectual disability, global developmental delay, communication disorders, autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, the neurodevelopmental motor disorders, and the specific learning disorders, with onset in the developmental period and resulting in dysfunctions in social, academic, family life (American Psychiatric Association. 2013). Studies have shown that parents of children with neurodevelopmental disorders experienced more parenting stress and burden precipitated by the emotional, behavioural and IQ problems of the children (Roy & Sreenath, 2017; Craig et al., 2016). Specific interventions, resources and parenting training should be given to parents to empower them with the knowledge and skills to ease their parenting stress and burden (Craig et al., 2016; Reichow et al., 2014). Providing those quality parenting support interventions to the service users are uneasy. It requires the experienced nurse with child and adolescent psychiatric knowledge and skills as well as the standardized nursing practice. To ensure the quality of nursing care and to enhance the nurses’ competence in providing psychological intervention and parenting support, the titled project was implemented.
Objectives :
1 To develop the standardized parenting support program in the nurse clinic
2 To enhance caregiver’s positive parenting experience of caring the children with neuro-developmental disorders
3 To enhance colleagues' competence in providing parenting support to the caregivers of the children with neuro-developmental disorders
Methodology :
The identified practice gap was discussed with supervisor and the nurses and the feasibility of the project was also explored. Literatures about interventions/tools those enhancing caregiver’s positive parenting experience were reviewed. The parenting support program materials and parenting support pamphlet were developed.
Result & Outcome :
The standardized positive parenting support program was developed and has been implemented in nurse clinic.
5000 pieces of parenting support pamphlet were produced under the funding of the Patient Empowerment Programme in NTWC.
Staff training workshop was conducted to enhance colleagues' competence in providing parenting support to the caregivers of the children with neuro-developmental disorders.
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