Authors (including presenting author) :
Lai SK(1), Lau E(1), Leung PY(1), Ho CY(1), Chan C(1), Chan YH(1), Chan KY(1), Mok CM(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Occupational Therapy Department, Castle Peak Hospital
Introduction :
Journal club is a crucial mechanism in clinical setting to promote evidence-based practice (EBP). It aims to 1) promote culture of EBP, 2) promote awareness on latest research findings, 3) enhance staff’s ability to critique and appraise literature and 4) utilize research findings in daily practice to improve patient outcomes. The Occupational Therapy Department in Castle Peak Hospital had started to organize traditional journal clubs bimonthly since 2015 to promote EBP.
Despite proven effectiveness in EBP, traditional journal club has a disadvantage of disengaged and unprepared audience as presenters are responsible for the entire presentation. Therefore, a revamp had started since March 2021 based on the concept of “Flipped journal club”. It is an instructional approach combining blended learning and concept of “Flipped classrooms”, which aims to encourage preparation and participation by circulating relevant materials beforehand; and facilitating discussion only on the most salient, challenging and relevant points in the literature. This approach emphasizes active learning process on clinical-orientated knowledge and practical application, and was found to increase participation and understanding among audience.
Objectives :
1.To promote participation in journal clubs
2.To improve practice, attitude, knowledge and skills associated to EBP
Methodology :
The format of journal club was modified according to the “flipped” approach: 1) Develop two critical appraisal forms (validation studies and randomized controlled trial); 2) Set up guidelines for article selection and circulation; 3) Recruit moderators to facilitate critical appraisal and discussion; 4) Provide guiding questions and supplementary information to guide reciprocal learning through small group discussions.
The effect of “Flipped journal club” was evaluated by the changes in attendance rate; and the scores of Evidence-based practice questionnaire (EBPQ), a 24-item standardized questionnaire developed to measure health professionals’ attitude towards, knowledge of, and use of EBP. The pre-and post-score of EBPQ was compared by paired t-test. Missing data was handled by listwise deletion and p value of <0.05 was adopted for statistical significance.
Result & Outcome :
Nine flipped journal clubs were organized from March 2021 to November 2022. A total of 63 occupational therapists participated and the average attendance rate improved from 87.4% to 91.9%. Statistically significant improvements were showed in EBPQ scores in terms of practice of EBP (t(42)=7.5, p<0.001), attitude towards EBP (t(42)=3.3, p=0.002), and knowledge and skills associated to EBP (t(42)=8.9, p<0.001).