Authors (including presenting author) :
Zhao BY(1), Ng ML(1), Lam MK(1), Yiu CH(1)
Affiliation :
Out Patient Department, Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital
Introduction :
Blood Taking and Specimen Collection Station of Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital is responsible for blood taking for patients refer from various sources such as discharge patients, Family Medicine Clinic, SOPD, Public Private Partnership and Community Specialist Clinic . There are a lot of patients waiting for blood taking every day in the morning from 0800-1000. Most patients choose to come earlier for blood taking even though no need for taking fasting blood. This results in increased the crowding in the blood taking waiting area and also arise complaints and conflicts while waiting for long time. Usually 2-3 complaints / dissatisfaction in the department were received every week related to blood taking issue, such as blood taking process, attitude of phlebotomist
Objectives :
To educate patients to come on time as to shorten the queuing time of blood taking and minimize the congestion of the blood taking waiting area. The aim is to diminish the complaints and conflicts arise from long waiting time for blood taking.
Methodology :
Firstly,implementation of CQMS(Corporate Queuing Management System)in October 2020 as to deliver the ticket number according to the blood taking appointment time instead of first come first serve principle. No matter the patients come at any time before the appointment time, the ticket no can only be issued according to the schedule appointment time. Also, two display screens are placed in two waiting areas as to minimize the crowdedness in one waiting area.Secondly, adjustment of blood taking quota with effective in September 2021, such as to reduce non-fasting quota booking before 0930 as to minimize the booking for the time slot between 0800-0900.Thirdly, designed and delivered a leaflet with slogan in June 2021 as to educate patients to come for next scheduled blood taking on time. The slogan is: 預約抽血按時到 早到等候無著數.Fourthly, adjustment of manpower in February 2022 to assist patients to get ticket from the kiosk as to minimise confusion and misunderstanding during peak hour 0830-0930
Result & Outcome :
After implementation of the program, it found that the average waiting time for blood taking for each patients had been improved around 19% from 23.9 minutes (January to March 2021) to 19.4 minutes (April to June 2022). The median waiting time had been improved around 23% from 23.8 (January to March 2021) minutes to 18.4 minutes (April to June 2022). The 75% percentile and 90% percentile waiting time had been improved around 19% and 13% respectively when compared with the period between January to March 2021 and April to June 2022. When compared with the number of assistance / feedback / complaints refer from Patient Relation Officer from January to June 2020 and July to December 2022, it was improved from 4 episodes to 2 episodes, i.e. 50% improvement. Also, it was greatly improved that only a few patients within a month raised dissatisfaction in the department Most of patients come on time also help to diminish the congestion in the blood taking waiting area. Patient satisfaction survey for pre and post program has been done in August 2021 and January 2023 respectively. There are totally 200 patients age from 18 to over 65 years old had been interviewed. After the program, it found a great improvement when comparing with the pre and post questionnaires as followings: patients were familiar or strongly familiar with the new process of CQMS from 30% (pre) to 86% (post), patients agreed or strongly agreed that the display screen is clear enough for showing the queuing status is from 15% (pre) to 70% (post), patients satisfied with the attitudes of the phlebotomists is from 49% (pre) to 73% (post). It demonstrated that the program is effective to assist patients to be familiar with the process of new blood taking system and appreciated the attitudes of phlebotomist as well.Also, addition of display screen in another waiting area help to spread out the crowd of patients in blood taking waiting area from around 170 patients to around 80 patients