Enhancing junior nurse competency in CPR through simulation training

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Wong SW(1), Lam Y(1), Kwok YK(1), Lee MH(1), Chan MK(1), Ng LK(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Surgery, Ruttonjee & Tang Shiu Kin Hospitals
Introduction :
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a critical component for saving lives in arrest events. As the front line staff in ward, the competency of nurses is one of essential factors to increase patients’ chance of survival. Infrequent CPR was noted in female surgical ward of Ruttonjee Hospital. Junior nurses may not have enough experiences to manage such life threatening situation. Moreover, increasing junior nurse ratio due to increasing turnover rate of nurses. CPR simulation training for junior nurses is vital to ensure their competency for managing these critical situations.
Objectives :
- To ensure junior nurses have adequate knowledge and skills for CPR. - To enhance the competency of junior nurses in clinical management of CPR in surgical setting. - To establish a clearer understanding in junior nurses’ role and responsibilities in CPR. - To booster team synergy effect during CPR. - To identify junior nurses’ own strength and limitation in CPR and assist them to seek ways for improvement. - To enhance self-confidence and esteem of junior nurses when managing emergency situation.
Methodology :
1. Set up the task force. (July 2022) 2. Plan the project flow and logistics. (Sept 2022) 3. Design and ready the knowledge test and survey forms. (Oct 2022) 4. Conduct pre-training knowledge test and satisfaction survey. (Nov 2022) 5. Proceed scenario based training. (Nov – Dec 2022) i. Provide practical tips. ii. Observe and identify participant’s strengths, limitations and area to improve, and mark down in individual CPR performance record. iii. Debrief with participants after each training. 6. Conduct post-training knowledge test and satisfaction survey. (Dec 2022) 7. Evaluate the program. (Dec 2022)
Result & Outcome :
Total 5 nurses were participated in the training. The average score was 5.8/10 in pre-training knowledge test and the average score was increased to 7.2/10 in post-training knowledge test. However, the correct response to question 1 which is related to intubation procedure was decreased from 60% to 40%. Participants were confused by the frequency of rescue breath after set up of advanced airway. Preparation of intubation procedure should be reinforced in future trainings. Participants agreed that this training is useful. They can be more familiarized with the procedure and flow of CPR and also the role and responsibilities in CPR. They also understood the importance of effective communication during the procedure. Their CPR skills and knowledge were enhanced as well after the training.
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