A Distinctive Children Community Vaccination Centre (CCVC) at HKCH for our Children

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
AU SC(2), LEE TL(1), Connie WAN(2), Anne KWOK(3), WONG KP(2), Freddie POON(4), Yvonne LAM(5)
Affiliation :
(1)HCE of Hong Kong Children's Hospital, (2)Nursing Service Division, Hong Kong Children's Hospital, (3)Paediatric Department, Hong Kong Children's Hospital (4) Pharmacy Department, Hong Kong Children's Hospital (5)Patient Resource Centre, Hong Kong Children's Hospital
Introduction :
The COVID 19 pandemic started in HK since 2020 and continuous to 2022. There were severe, even death cases involving children. Vaccination for children below 11 years old was available in early 2022. The Children Community Vaccination Centre (CCVC) at Hong Kong Children’s Hospital (HKCH) was established with the coordination of Hospital Authority Head Office (HAHO), Civil Service Bureau (CSB), Department of Health(DH) and concerted effort from HKCH colleagues including paediatricians, nursing, pharmacy, administrative services and Patient Resource Centre, the Vaccination Centre came into operation on 16th February 2022.
Objectives :
To protect the children in HK by providing COVID 19 vaccination and provide a safe and smooth workflow with happy injection experience to both parent/ caregiver and their children.
Methodology :
1. Collaboration among multidisciplinary team were established for supporting environmental set up, manpower recruitment and training, logistic flow from registry counter to post vaccination care, safe injection and document control as well as reporting line. 2. In order to cope with the rapid and ad-hoc changes of vaccination policy and guideline, a stable team stayed in close loop was maintained to communicate the vast information and guidelines without delay. 3. To ensure safety, staff with paediatric experience were recruited with priority. Medical, Nurse and Pharmacist centre in-charge were assigned to monitor the whole vaccination process. There was also the support from the hospital’s own resuscitation team in case of emergency situation. 4. In response to the accommodation of Sinovac vaccine and BioNTech vaccine (Toddlers /Children’s formula) at the same time in our Centre, clear segregation starting from queuing, registration, information & waiting area and injection booths with concepts of color management and clear signage were applied to ensure smooth and safe workflow. The concepts also applied to the dilution booth and vaccine transportation. 5. With the aims to create fun and alleviate fear and anxiety for getting jabs to parents/ caregivers and their children, the Centre was decorated with colorful posters and balloons of various cartoons to create a relax atmosphere. It provided a first impression of fun and happiness to parents/ caregivers and their children once they entered the Centre. Video, poster and cue-card providing tips for helping toddlers and children with fear to needles were available anywhere inside the Centre. Breastfeeding and baby care room were also added to tailor made for the need of families with young children to breastfeed and change diapers. Furthermore, the services provided by Giggle Doctors on performance and making balloon to kids during the observation period in the rest area was effectively in distracting the kids after vaccination and creating a joyful moment when they leave the Centre.
Result & Outcome :
Up to the end of December 2022, total 6,4000 BioNTech vaccines and 4894 SinoVac vaccines were given to children. A cohesive team among all disciplines was maintained. Appreciations and trust were received from parents/ caregivers and their children on the safe, smooth and happy injection experience. Our Vaccination Centre has always been child-centered, promoting the culture of HKCH “Learning - Caring - Smiling”, aiming to bring a safe and pleasant injection experience to children. These outcomes were amazing and encouraging. We are looking forward to promote health and provide more health-protected barriers to the children with safe and innovative practice.
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