Introduction of Bonbon dishes in Enhancing Appetite and Nutrient Intake of Patients on Texture-Modified Diets

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Wong YM(1), Wong PK(1), Ng PK(2), Ho MWI(2), Tang WK(2), Lau PP(2), Chan NS(2), Ho HW(2), Wong E(3), Rani A(4), Law KK(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Administration Services (Catering), Kowloon Hospital, (2)Department of Respiratory Medicine, Kowloon Hospital, (3) Allied Health (Speech Therapy), Kowloon Hosptial, (4) Allied Health (Dietetics), Kowloon Hospital
Introduction :
Poor appetite, eating and/or swallowing difficulties, respiratory diseases and gastrointestinal diseases are contributing factors to malnutrition. Elderly with malnutrition is vulnerable to infection, morbidity and longer hospitalization. It also causes weight and muscle loss that can lead to frailty, falls, disability and loss of independence. It is believed that the intake of nutrient-dense food will facilitate adequate nutritional intake and the presentation of the dishes would help stimulating appetite for better consumption. The incorporation of nutrient-densed Bonbon dishes in the cycle menu aims at improving the appetite and the food and nutrient intake of patients on texture-modified diets.
Objectives :
To verify the effectiveness of Bonbon dishes in improving nutritional intake of patients on testure-modified diets: (a)To assess the intake and acceptance of Bonbon dishes by patients on texture-modified diets in comparison to traditional pureed dishes in the cycle menu. (b)To promote Bonbon dishes for patients on texture-modified diets with poor appetite for enhancing nutritional intake and health.
Methodology :
Bonbon dishes have been incorporated into the cycle menu of Kowloon Hospital from the third week of Oct., 2021 for patients on pureed meat soft rice (糊飯餐) and D-pureed meat soft rice (D糊飯餐) diets so that Bonbon dishes would be served on Tue, Wed, Thu and regular pureed dishes on Mon, Fri, Sat & Sun (unless contraindication with some food types as assigned by DCMS automatically) in ward 4D, 4E, 3D, 3E, 6D & 6E. of Kowloon Hospital. The intake of these patients (at lunch and dinner) for 8 consecutive days was recorded by ward staff for later analysis. Patients were asked to rate the Bonbon dishes on its taste, appearance and overall acceptance as well.
Result & Outcome :
Completed data from 30 patients (average age 88, 15Males & 15Females) were successfully recorded and collected in May, 2022. The intake survey result indicated 93% satisfaction on the taste and 80% on appearance of Bonbon dishes. 87% of the patients involved welcome the incorporation of Bonbon dishes into the hospital menu. Further analysis using the paired t-test indicated that patients who consumed Bonbon dishes would significantly gain more calories (+22%, p=0.000) and nutrients, esp. protein (+14%, p=0.002), fiber (+82%, p=0.000) & calcium (+30%, p=0.000), but less cholesterol (-31%, p=0.000) and purine (-13%, p=0.002) from daily intake. This result supports the hypothesis that Bonbon dishes would be applicable to patients with poor appetite for enhancing nutritional intake. Riding on the encouraging results of the intake survey, Bonbon dishes have been incorporated into the menu for Buddhist Hospital (BH) patients who are on puree meat soft rice and D-puree meat soft rice diets from 2 Aug., 2022. Observation from internal food waste survey indicated good consumption and acceptance with the majority of patients finished the dishes. Hopefully, more patients would be benefited.
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