CQI project on enhanced care for severe Covid-19 patients with high flow nasal cannula (HFNC) oxygen (O2) therapy in the extended care ward in North Lantau Hospital (NLTH)

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan KI(1), Leung PS(1), Cheng SK(1), Chan WK(1), Leung PL(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Accident and Emergency Department, North Lantau Hospital
Introduction :
During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, HFNC O2 therapy has played an important role in managing patients affected by moderate-to-severe acute hypoxemic respiratory failure. It is effective in delivering a high fraction of humidified oxygen, which improves ventilatory efficiency and respiratory pattern.

With the fifth wave of Covid-19 in Hong Kong, the surge has overwhelmed Hong Kong's isolation facilities. NLTH was converted into Covid-19 cases receiving hospital. To enhance the outcome of severe covid-19 patients, HFNC O2 therapy was introduced as an alternative to conventional oxygen therapy in an extended care ward. However, nurses in the ward had no experience in managing the patient with the HFNC O2 therapy. Therefore, a CQI project with cooperation between the Accident and Emergency department and the Medical department was commenced to enhance care for severe Covid-19 patients with HFNC O2 therapy.
Objectives :
To enhance the care for patients with Covid-19 infection
To enhance the knowledge and skill of medical nurses in caring patients with HFNC O2 therapy were enhanced
Methodology :
The project was divided into three parts: (i) Theoretical input, (ii) practical skill training and; (iii) clinical supervision. Lectures on related topics were delivered.
Return demonstration on the application of HNFC was performed by participants and nursing supervisor with experience in critical care nursing was deployed to the ward for coaching and supervision.
Result & Outcome :
The HFNC O2 therapy has been launched in the extended care ward since April 2022. No adverse effects or complications were detected in the cases with HFNC O2 therapy. Most of the participants who received the training perceived that they were competent in managing patients with HNFC O2 therapy regarding the preparation of equipment, observation of patients and documentation.
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