Achieved KPI Vs Patient satisfaction: which is the ultimate goal during COVID 19 Outbreak? Review of Breast Cancer Operative Service Collaboration Programme

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan KWK (1) (2), Chan CSA (1) (2), Chiu KM (1) (2), Keung FW (1) (2), LAU WY (1) (2), Tsoi YKV(1) (2), Cheung KYF (1) (2)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Surgery, (2) North District Hospital
Introduction :
In the year 2022, 110 breast cancer cases in NTEC have been successfully referred to private sectors and with operation completed under the Public-Private Partnership Breast Cancer Operative Service Collaboration Programme (PPP Ca Breast). All cases were achieved with KPI <60. However, participants expressed that additional/supplementary postoperative support were expected and hence, PPP can be more comprehensive.
Objectives :
PPP was launched to lessen the overwhelming public hospital service demand during COVID outbreak. Not only KPI <60 is achieved, but also comprehensive perioperative and postoperative care were expected to provide to all eligible participants.
Methodology :
Questionnaires concerning 4 aspects: treatment plan and service scope; patient education; self-care understanding and overall evaluation; were given to PPP participants. KPI was also calculated for all cases.
Result & Outcome :
Among the 110 cases, all were found to have KPI< 60. However participants showed a high intensity level (8 out of 10) in the questionnaires. Besides, additional/ supplementary postoperative nursing support, psychological support and information regarding to self-image and scar management were expected from the service provider. Participants also pointed out that they hope a contact point can be provided later for enquiries about the treatment journey of PPP.

Post PPP FU nurse clinic was started in NTEC Breast Care Centre for PPP participants since Sept, 2022. In this clinic, post-operative wound assessment, pathology report explanation, post-adjuvant treatment introduction, prosthesis and bra fitting services and survivorship care were given to them. Anxiety level was greatly reduced to 2-3 out of 10 after Post-PPP FU nurse clinic was introduced.

The ultimate goal of PPP is to lessen the burden of public health care system and at the same time, comprehensive nursing care services should also be well planned in the Breast Cancer Operative Service Collaboration Programme. Since then, patients can be benefited from receiving timely treatments together with a better rehabilitation care services.
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