Empowerment on Breast Surgery Patient- Discharge with Drain Care Video with Self-help QR code

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Leung YLJ(1), Li WS(1), Chan CH(1), Wong KM(1), Leung YY(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Surgery, Tseung Kwan O Hospital
Introduction :
Breast cancer has been the most common cancer among women in Hong Kong. In 2020, there were 4,956 newly registered female breast cancer cases, accounting for 28.4% of all new cancer cases in females. The median age at diagnosis was 58 years (Hong Kong Cancer Registry, 2020). District population of Tseung Kwan O district is comparatively young.
After mastectomy, patient education is important to facilitate the early discharge. Therefore, we designed a video including the purpose of the drain, preparation and the procedures of empty drain and take home messages for the drain care. The video can be repeated till they could return demonstration with satisfactory technique instead of educating patient hand by hand. Both Chinese and English version subtitle are provided. Furthermore, package of early discharge including leaflet of video QR code for smartphone and booklets were given to both patients and their relatives to refresh anytime.
Objectives :
To reinforce and correct the knowledge and misconceptions of patient on surgical drain care respectively.
To improve and facilitate patient education on surgical drain care.
To promote patient safety on surgical drain care.
To promote early recovery and early discharge.
To enhance and maintain service standard on current practice of surgical drain care.
To empower both patients and relatives for the post-operative care in home setting.
Methodology :
An interventional study design was used to analyze the effectiveness of drain care demonstration video on patient understanding and facilitation in early discharge on breast cancer patients with drain on discharge in TKOH. There are 7 questions to answer by patients or carers when first time visit nurse clinic after operation. The questionnaires including clearness and easiness of video. The data was collected from the TKOH Breast Care Centre from of June 2022 to December of 2022.
Result & Outcome :
In overall, patients agreed that the video provided needs-based information about the drain care procedures. The video could also be easily understood (strongly agree 41%, agree59%). They are confidence to care the vacuum drain after operation (strongly agree 35%, agree 65%). Drain care video is helpful in recovery journey (strongly agree 53%, agree 47%.
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