Introduction of Seldinger Technique for Tenckhoff Catheter Placement and its Impact on Haemodialysis Dependency in Yan Chai Hospital

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Kwok LM(1), Chan SK(1), Kwok MK(1), Wu CC(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Medicine, Yan Chai Hospital
Introduction :
Tenckhoff catheter placement of YCH relied on both the urology team and the renal team of the Princess Margret Hospital (PMH). The average waiting time was about 6 months. Many patients fell into the need of urgent HD due to intolerance. Thus, the burden of Haemodialysis Unit (HU) is high.
Objectives :
To reduce the workload of HU and shorten the queue of patients to operation.
To reduce the dependency of tenckhoff catheter placement on other hospitals or units.
Methodology :
YCH renal team has implemented the use of Ultrasound-guided Seldinger technique in tenckhoff catheter placement in the clinical setting. Besides, statistics would be compared to demonstrate how Seldinger technique helps in achieving the objects after its introduction.
Result & Outcome :
YCH renal team had performed 100 and 78 times of Tenckhoff catheter insertion respectively in 2021 and 2022. The dependency on other units and the waiting time for tenckhoff catheter insertion in YCH cases were significantly reduced. The total number of acute and temporary HD sessions for patients before operations was 650 in 2020. The number further reduced from 334 in 2021 to 109 in 2022 (83% of cases reduced). Therefore, the workload and the operating cost of HU were reduced. It also minimizes the post-operative complications.
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