Authors (including presenting author) :
Choy SY, Leung SK, Wan OM, Chung WH, Cheng OL
Affiliation :
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
Labour pain progressively increase during the first stage of labour and effective pain control is significant to a positive birth experience. Hypnotic virtual reality is a software offers immersive multisensory experience, which include relaxing scene with a voice guidance, in the treatment of pain, stress and anxiety. Various researches found that hypnotic virtual reality is applicable in different clinical specialties and effective in increasing comfort, reducing pain and anxiety, and minimizing the use of pharmacological pain relief without causing severe side effects., The effect and safety of the use of hypnotic virtual reality as a non-pharmacological labour pain relief method is investigated and discussed in this article.
Objectives :
To evaluate the effectiveness of hypnotic virtual reality on the level of pain and anxiety experienced by women during first stage of labour. To investigate women’s perception towards hypnotic virtual reality in first stage of labour. To investigate the safety issues on the use of hypnotic virtual reality in laboring women.
Methodology :
The pilot study was implemented in labour ward for low risk women in first stage of labour from August to November 2022. Women put on hypnotic virtual reality device, chose their favorite relaxing scene and music with soothing voice guidance for at least 20 minutes. Quantitative questionnaire was collected after their hypnotic virtual reality experience.
Result & Outcome :
The pilot study involved a total of 19 women. Following the hypnotic virtual reality experience, the mean score for feelings of safety and relaxation are 9.7 and 7.3 out of 10 respectively. 89% of women was satisfied / extremely satisfied with their hypnotic virtual reality experience (n=17). 89% of women desire to use hypnotic virtual reality again in future pregnancies (n=17). After hypnotic virtual reality experience, the mean pain score reduced from 4.37 to 3.74, while the mean anxiety score reduced from 3.21 to 2.63. One case expressed the sense of nausea and vomiting after the experience, then the treatment was terminated.
Hypnotic virtual reality is a relaxing, safe and effective choice for women to cope with pain and anxiety in the first stage of labour. Women were satisfied and desired to use hypnotic virtual reality in the future. The use of hypnotic virtual reality as a non-pharmacological c is beneficial in enhancing satisfaction and sense of control, resulting in more natural and positive birth experience. Result from the pilot study help us to prepare for larger studies in the future.