Authors (including presenting author) :
Young B(1), LAM YC(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Accident and Emergency , Tseung Kwan O Hospital
Introduction :
The COVID-19 pandemic spurred the expansion of global telehealth services. During early 2020, The Hong Kong Hospital Authority rolled out telehealth services using HA Go mobile application. These online services included different specialists. The A&E system was overwhelmed during this period as well. Apart from treating the swamping cases, the follow-up services of an A&E also played an important role. As a pioneer in using telehealth for follow-up in A&E, suitable cases are recruited for reviewing disease progress, explaining investigation results and advising on management. Tele-Care Follow-up Clinic can minimize patient and their carers’ visit to the A&E, reduce infection risk and solve the overcrowding problem. It can benefit patients and their carers greatly as they can travel less, wait less and reduce exposure to infection. The A&E department will be less crowded and healthcare workers can focus on real emergency cases.
Objectives :
Key Improvement: Reduce physical attendance of follow-up patients, reduce infection risk and improve overcrowded A&E environment. Important changes: 1. Implement a new service model in the A&E 2. Develop new doctor – patient – caregiver interaction 3. Innovate the future development of joint consultations across specialties. To review the effectiveness of this services, a survey using questionnaire is carried out for all the cases recruited.
Methodology :
The pilot scheme begins on 13/10/2022. A total of 18 sessions for 41 patients (14 males and 21 females) are recruited till March of 2023. The age range from 3 to 74 years old. Wide spectrum of case is recruited, such as reviewing home blood pressure record for anti-hypertensive drug titration; assess wound healing progress; explain CT and x ray report; explain blood test, urine test and sputum test result and give advice on management.
Result & Outcome :
Total 41 patients have attended tele-care clinic from October 2022 to March 2023. (18 males and 21 females) The mean age of all patients was 46.5 years old. (Ranged from 3-74 years old) Most of the patients (>84%) agreed that Tele-Care Follow-up Clinic could minimize the inconvenience caused by travelling forward and backward from the hospital. Around 92% of patient agreed that this service can relieve the stress of relatives to accompany for follow-up. Similar percentage (92%) of the respondents agreed that this service can save time compared to face-to-face follow-up. Most of the patients (>92%) agreed that Tele-Care Follow-up Clinic can reduce the risk of infection during hospital visit. Moreover, around 61% of patients thought that Tele-Care Clinic can allow health-care workers to assess patient effectively or to provide efficient treatment plan. 76% of patients agreed that Tele-Care Clinic can allow patient and their relatives to understand the treatment plan. Overall, more than 84% of the respondent can give a score more than 8 (out of 10) on their satisfaction towards the attitude and general service of Tele-Care Follow –up Clinic.
To conclude, Tele-Care Follow-up Clinic can provide an alternative way than traditional face-to-face follow-up. All the key objectives: reduce physical attendance of follow-up patients, reduce infection risk and improve overcrowded A&E environment Important changes are achieved.