Introduce Robot ‘temi’ to Break Communication Barriers

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Fung YY(1), Shum CF(1), Koo KK(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Tuberculosis and Chest Medical Unit, Grantham Hospital
Introduction :
Communication between nursing staff, patient and relative is crucial element to achieve a holistic care, however difficulties raised in isolated area. Communication channels break by physical barrier from isolation room, infection control concerns, limitation on visiting policy and else. TBCU equipped with intercom system and smart phone for better communicate, but the facilities still limited to patients who are ADL independent and can manage smart phone completely. For those who need assist, more manpower and longer exposure time in isolation area may indicate.
Objectives :
1) Introduce robot ‘temi’ as a helping hand for front line staff. 2) Using ‘temi’ to establish new communication channels between nursing staff, patient and relative.
Methodology :
1) Provide training sessions to all 7/F TBCU nursing and supporting staff. 2) Application of ‘temi’ as communication channels using its integrated function. 2.1) Remote video visiting in isolated area - Increase flexibility of visiting for relative; Reduce manpower and exposure time in isolated area; Provide high quality video visiting, by adjustable view for relative and better audio-visual output to patient. 2.2) Career education in isolated area - Facilitate communication in-between nursing, patient and relative in isolated area. 2.3) Routine Patrolling - Broadcast and display timely reminder for patient and latest visiting regulation during visiting period. Outcome measures were categorized as: 1) Time and number of 'temi' usage, 2) Review patient and relative users’ feedback.
Result & Outcome :
1) Training sessions provided to all 7/F TBCU nursing and supporting staff and successfully return demonstrate on using video call and patrolling. 2) Total communication time over 770min. 8 patients with 16 video call completed by ‘temi’. 12 call for video visiting and 4 call for career education purpose. 3) Patrolling and broadcast 4 time per day to provide latest information for patient and visiting relative. 4) All users, 8 patients and their relatives, with positive feedback and overall rated 8/10 for the experience using ‘temi’. 1 Thank you card from relative received.
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