Authors (including presenting author) :
Affiliation :
(1)Quality& Safety Department, Princess Margaret Hospital
Introduction :
In traditional Continuous Quality Improvement(CQI) approach, supervisors adopted a top-down approach and initiated/implemented projects within their context to improve quality, standard, safety and efficiency. This, however, might not be always welcomed by frontline colleagues because of lack of engagement and motivation. This year, a novel Contest of Quality Initiatives(Contest) with a theme of“由試,到真From Idea to Implementation” was organized for all PMH staff, especially frontline colleagues.
Objectives :
This Contest aimed to invite innovative ideas from bottom-up approach to cultivate quality improvement culture, nurture and recognize staff with bright ideas. Frontline participants shared their initial ideas and were coached by senior management& experienced staff for Proof-of-Concept prototypes. Q&S Department would help liaison if cross-department projects were involved. Selection panel evaluated projects from different perspectives i.e.(i)Relevance to Risk Mitigation, (ii)Improvement from Quality, Standard and Safety, (iii)Feasibility, (iv)Cost-effectiveness, (v)Sustainability, (vi)Innovativeness.
Methodology :
Application is easy with submission of 4 simple questions. 1. What is the problem you would like to address? 2. Who would be involved in your initiative? 3. Where would your initiative take place? 4. What is your proposed solution and how would you like us to assist you? A web-based promulgation platform(https://hateams.home/knowledge/group/CQI2022/) was used. An interactive Forum was held on 1 June 2022 to frontline colleagues. Sharing in different management meetings was also arranged.
Result & Outcome :
Total 11 initiatives were received which was 83% more than that received in previous year. Spectrum of participants was extended across different ranks and staff groups, e.g. from RN to DOM, AC to CON, HAII to HAI, with their innovative ideas heard, coached and addressed. Participants presented their projects on 5 August 2022 where they could exchange ideas with panel members and discussed on design, implementation and sustainability issues. Alternatives ideas and recommendation were also shared with applicants. Each team was coached by experienced management team members for refinement and guidance on design and implementation. Submissions were acknowledged, followed-up/referred to corresponding parties for further development. This first Contest has demonstrated an initial success with wider spectrum of initiatives/innovative ideas collected from a bottom-up approach. Frontline colleagues and departments would benefit in terms of idea transformation, coaching of engaged& motivated staff, development of mentorship skill and staff recognition& retention.