Authors (including presenting author) :
Leung AYL(1), Lee KM(1), Wong CY(1), Lam MS(1), Ng LKA(1), Tsui LS(2), Kwok YTA(2)
Affiliation :
(1)Nursing Services Division, Pok Oi Hospital, and Tin Shui Wai Hospital (2)Quality and Safety Division, Pok Oi Hospital
Introduction :
To enhance staff training and development, Nursing Services Division organized and provided exposure opportunities for senior nursing staff to strengthen their competency in hospital management. At the same time, Department Operation Managers (DOMs) and Ward Managers (WMs) help identify the training needs of their junior nurses to augment their proficiency and competency.
Objectives :
1. To enhance the nursing management team's exposure to incident management and risk identification
2. To enhance frontline nurses' competence in subspecialties and their roles in clinical care
Methodology :
Two different programs were arranged for senior and frontline nursing staff.
For senior staff, there was an exposure program for DOMs & WMs. They participated in the hospital morning brief and the subsequent incident management and handling processes. In addition, an assigned mentor from NSD offered on-the-job coaching and practice opportunities such as bed management and presentation of night reports in the morning brief. Experience-sharing sessions by General Manager (Nursing) were also arranged.
From Mar 2021 to Jan 2022, 5 DOMs and 22 WMs from different clinical departments in Pok Oi Hospital (POH) and Tin Shui Wai Hospital (TSWH) completed the program. Total four Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) projects were conducted and presented at a sharing session with the participation of senior hospital management:
- Standard Operation Practice for patient with fragile skin
- Carer training on nasogastric tube feeding in TSWH
- Enhancement of TSWH Medicine and Geriatric (M&G) bed booking system
- Contingency plan for outpatient blood taking in POH during public holidays
Another competency enhancement program was organized for frontline nurses in collaboration with medical and Q&S teams. Based on the results of ward staff functional competency level assessment by WMs and their feedback, a training plan was devised. This program was also launched from Jun – Nov 2021 with the following training.
- Workshop on incident investigation
- Training on complaint management/ communication skills
- Orientation talk on Medicine and Geriatric (M&G) subspecialties by the medical team
Result & Outcome :
Positive feedback was received from both programs, and the 2-tier training programs achieve synergistic effect.
Over 80% of DOMs & WMs participated in the exposure program agreed/ strongly agreed the program was informative and valuable to enrich their knowledge and skills on incident handling and complaint handling. Regarding training on complaint management/communication skills for the frontline nurses, the mean scores of competency enhancement that the participants rated was 4.64 (max scores=6). Over 90% of frontline nurses who participated in the incident investigation workshop agreed/ strongly agreed that they would apply the knowledge and skills learned/ enhanced from the workshop at their workplace.
Besides, the CQI projects conducted by the participants not only streamlined the nursing practice, enhanced the workflow, but also strengthened contingency preparedness.