Home-Based Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program for Patients with COVID-19 in Community

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
NG SHW(1), So TTY (1), Leung AKY(1), Louie FTM(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Occupational Therapy Department, Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital
Introduction :
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Hong Kong caused millions of people being infected with SARS-CoV-2 virus. Not surprisingly, the proportion of critical condition and death had increased exponentially from age 60. Elderly patients with COVID-19 may encounter various types of functional impairment and complications on physical, cognitive, or psychological areas. During recovery phase, they may encounter difficulty in managing own activities of daily living (ADL), engaging in meaningful activities and social participation. Some expert consensuses had recommended Baduanjin (BDJ), a traditional Chinese body-mind qigong exercise for elderly patients. By implementing this low level aerobatic BDJ exercises into home-based pulmonary rehabilitation program, it aims to improve post-COVID-19 symptoms, maximize functional ability and quality of life.
Objectives :
To evaluate effectiveness of home-based pulmonary rehabilitation program for patient with COVID-19 on functional status and empowerment to manage residual symptoms.
Methodology :
COVID-19 patients with community occupational therapy (OT) referrals and difficulty to tolerate intensive rehabilitation training in ambulatory setting were recruited from January to June 2022. Apart from traditional community OT intervention, this program would focus on practicing BDJ with education elements on managing residual symptoms of COVID-19, breathing techniques and energy conservation. HA go app was used to encourage self-practicing and learning as home program. Demographic data, Modified Bethel Index (MBI) and Chinese version of Manchester respiratory activities of daily living questionnaire (C-MRADLQ) were collected.
Result & Outcome :
7 participants were recruited in the captioned period. 2 participants dropped out due to personal and geographical reason. Average age was 78 ±11.5 (range: 61-89) years old. 80% of them had three or more co-morbidities. All participants were independent in ADL tasks.

After completion of program, the average MBI score was improved from 80.6 to 89.2. They were supervision or independent in most ADL tasks. The average C-MRADLQ score was improved from 55.4 to 65.4. Their functional performance was less being affected by dyspnea. There was no hospital admission due to relapse of residual symptoms after 3 months of completion of program.

Patient’s functional status and empowerment in managing residual COVID symptoms were found improvement after home-based pulmonary rehabilitation program. This program showed preliminary effectiveness to enable elderly to develop meaningful activity, better functioning and stay in community.
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