Accountability to Care the Public – A framework of health promotion in community

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Wong KW (1), Pun KL (1), Chan MF (1)
Affiliation :
(1) Nursing Services Division, Tung Wah Eastern Hospital
Introduction :
Tung Wah Eastern Hospital (TWEH) always strives its best for achieving a better community health. A monthly community health talk has been held since 2001. However, the limited capacity of venue and little collaboration with non-governmental organizations (NGO) hinders the development and efficiency of community health talks. Also, under the pandemic of COVID-19, “Face-to-Face” health talks were suspended. Therefore, a framework of health promotion in community is established to continue TWEH’s mission in promulgating of a healthy community.
Objectives :
-To continuously convey up-to-date health messages to the public for promoting disease prevention and healthy lifestyle maintenance of the community, -To anticipate the demands of health information from the public -To enhance collaboration between TWEH and NGOs to improve the public engagement
Methodology :
TWEH liaised with the Patient Resource Center (PRC) and existing community partners to promote the virtual health talks in community. Posters of health webinars, including Zoom Meeting Access link, were distributed to various NGOs, District Elderly Community Centers and Patient Support Groups. Meanwhile, details of collaborative partners were gathered and re-organised for sustainable development. Topics were set by listening the feedback from the participants in health talks, such as, chronic disease management and Chinese Medicines. Tips of lifestyle changes, as well as self-monitoring were given. Finally, participants completed an evaluation form after the webinar.
Result & Outcome :
Under collaboration with NGOs, the health webinars achieved a dramatic success. A total of 2047 participants attended in 21 health webinars from May 2021 to December 2022. There is a great improvement where only 486 and 12 participants in 2019 and 2020 respectively. Also, the number of NGOs collaborating with TWEH increased by 212 in 1.5 years. The coverage of participants expanded from HK East Cluster only to whole Hong Kong. Besides, in program evaluation, 93% of participants felt satisfactory to the webinar. 95.5% participants expressed their health knowledge were enhanced and the talks met their needs. 98.8% participants expressed they would recommend the webinars to their friends and relatives. With the development of framework, people in community can receive health information without the geographical boundary. In future, TWEH would collaborate with more NGO and explore the possibility of video recording of health webinar for revision.
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