Authors (including presenting author) :
Chang HE(1), Ng CC(1), Wong SY(1), Wong YT(1), Yuen MY(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Princess Margaret Hospital
Introduction :
Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is associated with high morbidity and mortality. The Ventilator Care Bundle protocol consisting of evidence-based recommendations is an effective method for VAP reduction when compliance is maintained. In order to reduce VAP rate, improving nurse’s compliance of the captioned program has been launched from July 2021 to September 2021 in Neurosurgery.
Objectives :
To increase the compliance rate on ventilation care bundle through enhancing nurses' knowledge level and raising their awareness.
Methodology :
Regular group based educational talks were held weekly to increase nurses' knowledge level of VAP prevention. Electronic poster (E-poster) was also adopted to raise staff awareness of VAP bundle. Spot check audit of compliance in VAP bundle also performed.
Result & Outcome :
Nurses’ compliance rate of VAP bundle has drastically risen 54.8% after intervention. The scores of pre and post test questionnaire have also shown improvement of nurses’ knowledge over prevention of VAP incidence. The passing rate of the questionnaire increased 52.5%.