Authors (including presenting author) :
Lam SW(2), Cheung WS(1), Chiu LS(3), Chu SP(1), Chow NY(4), Hau WY(5), Kwok CY(6)
Affiliation :
(1) Central Nursing Division, Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital, (2) Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital, (3) Surgery, Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital, (4) Medicine, Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital, (5) Department of Orthopaedic Rehabilitation, Tai Po Hospital, (6) Psychiatry, Tai Po Hospital
Introduction :
e-Growing up of computerization has intrigued by its creative possibilities of information technology and implications on the fundamentals of Nursing.
Given that Nursing Key Performance Indicator (KPI) reflects the standard of nursing care, a timely KPI surveillance and report is crucial for trend monitoring. However, all those reports reached nurse managers was behind the golden opportunity to prevent patient from suffering when it is a few months or more lag behind. An electronic platform would certainly serve this purpose.
Objectives :
A standard, convenient and easy-to-access electronic platform could facilitate nurses to tackle and plan for preventing aggravation of patient’s condition. An experience sharing on the use of electronic platform – a dashboard to promote “Nursing Go Digital”.
Methodology :
A PI dashboard has been devised and implemented in our hospitals since 2021. A real-time display of PI situation alerted nurses to improve their quality of care and act for improvement in case of PI incidence surges. Research findings also indicated that such nurse-sensitive indicator can motivate nurses to enhance their nursing care to prevent Hospital Acquired Pressure Injury. By incorporating automatic data processing, a mega database was designed for computerizing the PI data reported from all specialties; which has been launched simultaneously in our i-Hospital for all staff to access and review the PI statistics. As it was weekly updated by CND staff, nurses could retrieve real-time information and analyze data easily from the dashboard.
Result & Outcome :
The establishment of PI dashboard has enhanced data visualization and facilitated nurses in analysing and monitoring the real-time KPI to improve patients’ outcomes. During the COVID-19 pandemic, it has illustrated an increasing trend of PI in AHNH especially those contributed by Medical Device Related PI (MDRPI). It helped nurses to identify areas of concerns and act instantly with strategies to tackle MDRPI. Importantly, AHNH monthly average HAPI rate reduced from 2.73 (March 2022) to 0.08 (Dec 2022). As a conclusion, creating an e-platform for nursing KPI is a technological advancement in Digital Nursing. The evolution of information technology as well as the astonishing workings behind our simple usage these technologies, which conducive to the exploration of the frontiers of nursing, leads nursing Go SMART vividly and tangibly to a new era.