Authors (including presenting author) :
Ng YLL(1), Ho WF(1), Man KY(1), Sum HK(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Nursing Department, Cheshire Home, Chung Hom Kok
Introduction :
“Smart Hospital” is one of the long –term development goals of the Hospital Authority. It aims to introduce the new technology of medical services, improve the patient experience and enhance the efficiency of clinical services. The Cheshire Home, Chung Hom Kok (CCH) has initiated electronic representation monitoring since June 2022. This smart change not only promotes paperless but also creates opportunity of saving time from clinical care which is most welcome when manpower is severe stringent there with recruitment difficulty. The vacancy rate is 20% among supporting staff. This study illustrates the impact of this system in clinical setting of our hospital from the user’s and manager’s point of view.
Objectives :
Through a serial studies of e-Vital system, it is to explore its value of clinical usage and advantage. Furthermore, it is also to understand the pitfalls of implementation and make improvement.
Methodology :
1. A face to face staff interview session was conducted to users including 2 doctors and 5 nurses to view how this system used in clinical area in September of 2022
2. An observational study on counting the time for taking vital signs and recording comparing before and after e-Vital implementation
3. A survey on staff satisfaction towards e-vital system, 60 clinical staff participated
Result & Outcome :
- In general, all clinical staff regarding doctors, nurses and supporting staff are appreciated to have opportunity in using e-Vital system in CCH
- The overall satisfaction rate is high ( 4.8/5); the highest score is environmental protection (4.98 /5); user friendly ( 4.85/5); accuracy (4.82); accessibility (4.8/5); efficiency (4.7/ 5)
- Good points are shared including paperless, zero transcription error, direct get data from monitors, charts for data retrieval, job sheet for reminder, eye catching design for abnormal readings
- Pitfalls for improvement including WiFi interruption, equipment problem and not enough monitors and iPADs
- The most advantage by observation before and after e-Vital implementation is time saving for not needing to find the vital signs record for transcription. The workflow is smoother that overall 1 hour is saved for each shift that it is much helpful to relief supporting staff’s manpower.
- In the long run, this smart e-Vital system will be enhanced and rolled out within the whole hospital in year of 2022 & 2023