Authors (including presenting author) :
Lee KC(1), Li KY(1), Li P(1), Leung L(1), Law KC(1), Chow CY(1), Lam HY(1), Liu CW(1), Kwan CK(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Clinical Oncology, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
As technology and personalized medicine for cancer have been rapidly evolving over the years, anti-cancer treatments are becoming more complexed. Thus, it is important for oncologists and oncology nurses to keep abreast of the latest anti-cancer management. Besides, easily accessible of up-to-date and all related information is crucial to maintain working efficiency. To address this issue, an enhanced and user-focused department intranet is the key solutions.
Objectives :
1.To enhance working efficiency at all levels of the department 2.To promote employee engagement and self-learning
Methodology :
1.A workgroup consisted of different staff group was formulated in December 2021. Project objectives and timeline were discussed and intranet design training was arranged. 2.Engaged employees as stakeholders. Focus interviews were conducted to collect feedbacks on current intranet. Drawbacks of the existing intranet included out-dated and insufficient content, chaotic document filing system, inaccessible interface and monotonous design. 3.Intranet revamp. Enhancement of the new intranet included improved quick-link menu with frequently used items displayed on the top; Notice and department calendar were created to highlight important news and events; Useful forms and systemic anti-cancer treatment regime, fact sheet and funding information were categorized in an organised manner; Separate interfaces for different stakeholders; Provided a training platform with specialty-related guidelines, training materials and records uploaded; and more attractive design. This project also offered an opportunity to review organizational goals, department structure and logo. 4.Implementation. A pilot project allowing feedbacks was implemented in April 2022 and the intranet was launched in May 2022. 5.Evaluation. A three-month evaluation was conducted using electronic survey and data was analysed.
Result & Outcome :
Total 31 surveys were collected (Response rate 94%). New intranet optimized user experience, resulting in positive outcomes as evidenced by ratings on intranet design (3.00/5 vs 4.55/5), information accessibility (3.10/5 vs 4.55/5), document filing method (3.13/5 vs 4.52/5) and content (3.19/5 vs 4.68/5) of the old and new intranet were compared respectively. Overall mean score of the intranet was also improved significantly from 2.87/5 to 4.58/5. 90.3% respondents agreed that the new intranet enabled them to work efficiently (Mean score 4.39/5), while 83.9% agreed that the fancy design and up-to-date information promoted their engagement and self-learning (Mean score 4.23/5).