Authors (including presenting author) :
Leung KL(1), Lee SC(2), Sum WK(1), Leung LC(1), Lam KY(1), Hui CP(1), Chung PYP(1), Pang PY(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, North District Hospital (2) Central Nursing Division, North District Hospital
Introduction :
Dashboards is well-known as one of the new tools in the field of information technology to enhance strategy management, especially on clinical use in visualizing concurrent patient bed status. It aims at facilitating hospital management and bed coordinators to fully utilize hospital beds.
Objectives :
(1) Reduce phone calls for bed co-ordination from patient admission to bed assignment (2) Provide a platform for visualizing concurrent bed status (3) Arrange patient admission in a timely basis (4) Facilitate use of isolation rooms
Methodology :
In October, 2022, a Google sheet was employed as a bed status dashboard. Assess right was granted to hospital management and each in-patient ward. No patient data is involved. Briefing was provided to hospital management and nursing mangers. Ward staff update bed status at least once per shift and if necessary. Bed coordinators allocate patient admission based on bed status including matching patients with same infectious diseases. Trial run was performed in 3 O&T wards in October 2022 and the workflow was streamlined. It was then extended to all in-patient wards in November 2022.
Result & Outcome :
Phone calls between bed coordinators and wards were reduced. Patient assignment from AED to ward was facilitated. Use of isolation beds was enhanced. Change of staff behavior in reporting ward bed status was achieved.