Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan YF(1)(2)(3), Kwok MLA(1)(2)(3),Leung HY (1)(2)(3)(4)
Affiliation :
(1) CIST, Bradbury Hospice, (2)CIST, Cheshire Home,Shatin,(3)CIST,Shatin Hospital,(4)Critical Incident Psychological(South),New Territories East Cluster
Introduction :
During the past years, all HA hospitals are facing catastrophic challenges with the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic. Staff in Bradbury Hospice, Cheshire Home, Shatin and Shatin Hospital ( BBH/SCH/SH) had also experienced stressful conditions and negative impacts resulting from Covid-19 pandemic on work and personal life. Apart from provision of sufficient Personal protective devices and update Covid-19 information to staff, it is essential to take preventive and supportive measures to their psychological and mental health. BBH/SCH/SH Critical Incident Psychological service (CIPS) and Critical Incident Support Team (CIST) members had provided in site staff supporting activities and personalized counselling service for staff.
Objectives :
The aim is to prevent and alleviate the psychological resilience and reduce negative impact of Covid-19 pandemic on staff during the Covid-19 crisis.
Methodology :
BBH/SCH/SH Critical Incident Support Teams (CIST) had integrated into one team from 3 individual units and executed synergy effect There had been promotion activities to recruit members from different ranks of staff including doctors, nurses, supporting staff, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and administrative staff to join the team and empowered peer support for better staff coverage.
In COVID-19 epidemic online briefing and talks had been tailor-made to different groups of staff focusing on prevention of burnout and stress management
BBH/SCH/SH central nursing division (CND) had coordinated with CIPS to provide regular short talks and mindfulness trainings to nursing supervisors: APN/WM/DOM during Nursing service committee meetings which could help nursing supervisors to enhance self - resilience and to care their nursing team members via mental health aid.
There was also coordination between Nurse Companion Program (NCP) and CIPS to provide stress management and assertive communication training to fresh graduated nurses to promote their mental health and strengthen their ability to cope with their transition throughout the duration of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Furthermore, CND, CIPS and CIST had collaborated to provide individual person centered care to staff in BBH/SCH/SH. Self-compassion cards and souvenirs like “stress balls” were given to all BBH/SCH/SH staff, helping them to relieve stress and anxiety. The staff morale boosting activities were conducted by CIST members with self-designed encouraging words.
Result & Outcome :
25 staff had been recruited as CIST coordinators and members in BBH/SCH/SH from different staff groups and departments.
22 sessions of online brief talks were provided to NTEC staff with 330 attendances and 336 video hit rates. 145 attendances of BBH/SCH/SH staff was recorded to join the tailor-made trainings. Positive feedback from staff were received that services enabled them in improving stress management and coping skills. Staff showed appreciation to the proactive psycho-educational service and the flexibility of face-to-face/telecare service mode. CIST members had also visited 3 departments for promoting peer group support services.
The collaboration of CND, CIPS and CIST had provided effective psychological support and “HOPE” to staff in overcoming the devastating effect of Covid-19 pandemic. This is also an opportunity for us to build a better health care working force. We are committed to our expertise and experience to support health care service in crisis.